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Oregon Appellate Ct - June 15, 2016

by: Aalvarez • June 15, 2016 • no comments

  • Stop by An Out of State Officer - Unlawful Under Article I, Section 9
  • Vouching – Plain Error Review
  • Imposition of Attorney’s Fees Where No Evidence of Ability to Pay
  • Statements Were Voluntary Where Defendant Repeatedly Acknowledged That He Understood His Miranda Rights Before Speaking
  • Sentencing – Two Beatings 10-15 Minutes Apart – Consecutive Sentences
  • Sentencing – Merger – Attempted Murder and Murder
  • Per Curiam Reversal – No Basis for Finding of a Sentence Enhancement Fact
  • Attorney’s Fees – Plain Error in Imposing
  • Civil Commitment – Basic Needs
  • Dependency – “Rational Relationship”
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U.S. Supreme Court - June 13, 2016

by: Aalvarez • June 13, 2016 • no comments

  • Prior Uncounseled Tribal Court Convictions - May Be Used As Predicate Convictions
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U.S. Supreme Court - June 9, 2016

by: Aalvarez • June 11, 2016 • no comments

  • Judicial Recusal - "Earlier, Significant, Personal Involvement As a Prosecutor"
  • Double Jeopardy - Dual Prosecutions in Puerto Rico and The United States
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Oregon Appellate Ct - June 8, 2016

by: Aalvarez • June 9, 2016 • no comments

  • Failing to Obey a Police Officer – Not Similar Enough to a Criminal Prosecution to Require Additional Constitutional Protections
  • Interfering with a Peace Officer – Activities that Constitute Resisting Arrest Are Excluded from the IPO Statute
  • Denial of Request for Substitute Counsel – Not An Abuse of Discretion
  • Sentencing – Plain Error in Sentencing the Defendant More than the Maximum Allowed by Law
  • Disorderly Conduct – Screaming Obscenities 30 Feet Away From Someone
  • Merger – Attempted Aggravated Murder with a Firearm and Attempted Murder with a Firearm
  • PCR – IAC – Standard for Ineffective Counsel
  • Counseling Records in a Child Sex Abuse Case Were Subject to In Camera Review
  • Isolated Incident of Aggressive Behavior Insufficient Basis for a Restraining Order
  • Permanency Plan - Court Must Consider More Than Just the Most Recent Few Months of Reunification Efforts Before Determining DHS Made Reasonable Efforts
  • Civil Commitment – Basic Needs
  • TPR - Per Curiam Reversal
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Oregon Appellate Ct - June 2, 2016

by: Aalvarez • June 8, 2016 • no comments

  • Encouraging Child Sex Abuse - Hearsay Statements – Harmless Error
  • Article I, section 12 – Neither Equivocal nor Unequivocal Invocation of Right to Silence – “I don’t have nothing to say”
  • Prior False Accusations – Child Sex Abuse
  • Not Plain Error to Impose Attorney’s Fees
  • Warrantless Entry into Defendant’s Home Not Justified Where No Evidence Presented on How Long it Would Have Taken to Obtain a Warrant
  • ORS 813.131(2013) – Certification Required to Request a Urine Test
  • Two Different Permanency Plans for the Same Children
  • Attorney’s Fees – Plain Error in Imposing
  • Per Curiam Reversal – Failure to Register as a Sex Offender
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U.S. Supreme Court - May 31, 2016

by: Aalvarez • June 4, 2016 • no comments

  • Capital Case - If Future Dangerousness is an Issue, Jurors Must Be Told Only Alternative to Death Sentence is Life Without Parole
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U.S. Supreme Ct - May 23rd, 2016

by: Aalvarez • May 29, 2016 • no comments

  • Batson - Finding of Purposeful Discrimination Despite Race Neutral Explanations
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U.S. Supreme Ct - May 19, 2016

by: Aalvarez • May 29, 2016 • no comments

  • Sixth Amendment Right to a Speedy Trial Does Not Apply Once a Defendant Has Been Convicted
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Oregon Supreme Ct - May 26, 2016

by: Aalvarez • May 27, 2016 • no comments

  • Waiver Into Adult Court - It Takes More Than "Criminal Capacity" for a 13 Year Old to Be Tried as an Adult
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Oregon Appellate Ct - May 25th, 2016

by: Aalvarez • May 26, 2016 • no comments

  • Consent to Search a Purse Did Not Include Consent to Search a Closed Makeup Compact Found Inside
  • A Guilty Plea to One Burglary Does Not Justify Awarding Restitution Based on Other Unsolved Burglaries
  • Permanency - Sufficient Evidence to Justify Changing from Reunification to Guardianship
  • Orders that Did Not “Adversely Effect” a Parent’s Duties Were Not Appealable
  • Consent to Search a Backpack Did Not Include Consent to Search a Closed Grocery Bag Inside the Backpack
  • Failing to Provide the “Accomplice Witness” Instruction – Reversible Error
  • Per Curiam Civil Commitment Reversal
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Oregon Appellate Ct - May 16, 2016

by: Abassos and Aalvarez • May 20, 2016 • no comments

  • A Request for DNA Testing is Not a “Collateral Attack on the Validity of Defendant’s Conviction”
  • Attorney’s Fees – Plain Error Where Insufficient Evidence of Ability to Pay
  • Dependency – ICWA Is Not Retroactively Applicable Once the Court Has Reason to Know of Tribal Membership
  • Dependency - Permanency – Right to Participate in Hearings
  • Dependency – TPR – Service of Termination Petition in Absence of Parent
  • PCR - ORS 138.550(2) – Whether Petitioner Barred From Raising Claims That Should Have Been Raised on Direct Appeal
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Oregon Appellate Ct - May 11th, 2016

by: Aalvarez • May 12, 2016 • no comments

  • Increased Suspension Under ORS 813.430(2)(b)(C) – What Qualifies As An Out of State Conviction
  • Appellate Procedure – Issue Not Preserved by Mere Citation to Constitution
  • Criminal Mistreatment – A Dirty Diaper Is Not “Withholding Necessary and Adequate Physical Care”
  • MJOA – Testimony of an Accomplice Without Corroboration
  • Plain Error – Merger of Solicitation and Conspiracy to Commit a Single Crime
  • Appellate Procedure - Motion to Dismiss under ORAP 8.05(3) – Sufficient Evidence that the Defendant Absconded
  • Whether Particular Convictions Are Part of the Same Criminal Episode Under ORS 137.717
  • Telephonic Testimony – ORS 45.400 – Juvenile Dependency Hearing
  • Permanency – Changing Plan from Reunification to Adoption
  • Parental Bond – Compelling Reasons for a Court to Decline to Change the Permanency Plan to Adoption
  • Initial Failure to Provide Services by DHS in a Dependency Case
  • Appellate Jurisdiction - DUII – Maximum Fines Allowed By Law
  • Search and Seizure – Consent Was Not Voided by Police Trespass
  • PCR – Post-Conviction Request for DNA Testing
  • Attorney’s Fees- Seriously, The Court Really Means There Must Be Findings of An Ability to Pay
  • Civil Commitment – Three Per Curiam Reversals
  • Restitution and $60 Mandatory Assessment – No Authority for Either
  • Habeas – Prior Petitions Involving the Same Claim
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Oregon Supreme Ct - May 5, 2016

by: Aalvarez • May 7, 2016 • no comments

  • Theft – Exact Worth of a Stolen Item Not a Material Element of the Crime
  • Oregon Supreme Court Upholds the Convictions and Death Sentences of the Woodburn Bank Bombers in 140+ Page Opinion Covering Several Legal Issues
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Oregon Appellate Ct - May 4th, 2016

by: Aalvarez and Cmaloney • May 5, 2016 • no comments

  • Traffic Stop – Not a Show of Authority to Walk a Drug Dog Around the Car But Still A Violation of the 4th Amendment Where no Reasonable Suspicion to Justify Initial Stop
  • PCR – No Prejudice Results From Counsel's Failure to Seek Dismissal of Counts When the Trial Court Could Have and Would Have Imposed the Same Sentence Regardless
  • Eyewitness Identification – No Abuse of Discretion to Admit an in Court ID After Witness Remembers the Defendant Only After Being Shown a Photograph in Court
  • Luring a Minor – “Explicit Verbal Description”
  • Resentencing a Defendant to a Longer Sentence After a Successful Appeal
  • Modification of a Felony Sentence on Remand
  • PCR – Procedural Default – “Escape Clause”
  • Search and Seizure – Mere Conversation – Asking a Passenger to Step out of a Car
  • Attorney’s Fees – Plain Error in Imposing When the Record is Silent on the Defendant’s Ability to Pay
  • Restitution – Hospital Bill Insufficient to Prove Reasonableness of Medical Bills
  • Per Curiam Reversals of $60 “Mandatory State Assessment"
  • Imposition of $60 “Mandatory State Assessment” – Lack of Statutory Authority
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U.S. Supreme Court - May 2nd, 2016

by: Aalvarez • May 3, 2016 • no comments

  • Federal Conspiracy Law - Participants in the Conspiracy
  • Death Penalty - Extreme Delays Between Sentencing and Execution
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Oregon Appellate Ct - April 27, 2016

by: Aalvarez and Cmaloney • April 28, 2016 • no comments

  • Sexual Abuse II – “Subject" Does Not Require Proof that the Defendant Exerted Control
  • Article I, Section 11 – Implicit Waiver of Counsel – Waiver by Misconduct
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Oregon Appellate Ct - April 20, 2016

by: Aalvarez and Cmaloney • April 21, 2016 • no comments

  • Speedy Trial – Former ORS 135.747 – Re-Trial After Mistrial
  • Unlawful Hunting – Native American Treaty Rights as a Defense
  • PCR – IAC – Failure to Hire An Expert – Dangerous Offender Determination
  • Article I, Section 11 – Right to Counsel – Questioning on Represented Matters
  • Endangering the Welfare of a Minor – “Permitting” – MJOA
  • UUV – Operable/Inoperable Motor Vehicle – MJOA
  • SPO – Speech Related Contacts and “Imminent Threats of Violence"
  • Felony Public Indecency – Not Plain Error to Enter a Conviction of Felony Public Indecency When Defendant Has a Prior Conviction for an Attempted Sexual Offense
  • Felony Public Indecency – Life Sentence Not Unconstitutional When Predicate Convictions Are Not Solely for Public Indecency and There Is Egregious Uncharged Sexual Misconduct
  • Subject Matter Jurisdiction – How to Challenge Subject Matter Jurisdiction of a State Court Over Crimes Committed Within Indian Country
  • Disorderly Conduct – Per Curiam Reversal
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Oregon Supreme Ct - April 14, 2016

by: Aalvarez • April 15, 2016 • no comments

  • Search and Seizure - Searches by Private Parties - "State Action"
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Oregon Appellate Ct - April 13, 2016

by: Aalvarez and Cmaloney • April 14, 2016 • no comments

  • Trial Procedure – ORS 136.570 Does Not Provide Exclusion of Witnesses as a Remedy
  • Discovery Violation – Failure to Include Witnesses on a State’s Pre-Trial Witness List
  • Chain of Custody – Evidence Re-Tested by the State Crime Lab
  • Pointing a Firearm At Another – MJOA – “Within Range of the Firearm"
  • Sex Abuse I – Proportionality – Buck/Rodriguez
  • Appellate Procedure – Preservation – Failure to use the Words “I Object”
  • Trial Procedure – Exclusion of Witnesses – Failure to Read Witness Name to Jury
  • Attorney Fees - Court Must Make the Predicate Determination That a Defendant "Is or May Be Able to Pay" the Fees
  • DNA Testing - A Post-Conviction Motion for DNA Testing and Appointment of Counsel Must Satisfy the Statutory Requirements
  • Statement Against Interest – The Declarant Must Appreciate the Statement's Potential Detrimental Impact for the Hearsay Exception to Apply
  • Search and Seizure – Reasonable Suspicion of Drug Activity
  • An Incorrect First and Middle Name Does Not Automatically Render a Search Warrant Insufficiently Particular
  • Civil Commitment – “Qualified Examiner"
  • Search and Seizure – Traffic Stop – Reasonable Suspicion of Drug Activity
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Oregon Supreme Ct - April 7, 2016

by: Aalvarez • April 8, 2016 • no comments

  • Article I, Section 11 – Right to Counsel – Questioning an Already Represented Defendant
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