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Oregon Appellate Court - August 14, 2013

  • “Prior Bad Acts” Are Inadmissible to Prove Intent Unless Intent Is At Issue
  • Frequenting - A Roommate Is Not Presumed to Be in Constructive Possession of Defendant's Drugs
  • Discovery of Arrest Warrant Still Attenuates the Taint of Prior Unlawful Conduct
  • Hearsay - Medical Diagnosis or Treatment - Child’s Statements to CARES
  • A Parole Denial Should Not Rely On An Inaccurate Psych Eval
  • No Reasonable Suspicion – Leaving the Area of a Closed Business
  • Reasonable Suspicion Under Totality of Circumstances
  • Civil Commitment - Basic Needs - Court Must Look to Available Resources
  • Vouching - Plain Error When Credibility the Primary Issue
  • Termination of Parental Rights - ICWA - Mental Condition
  • Dependency - Permanency Plan - Sufficient Progress
  • Dependency - A Permanency Order Must Include a “No Compelling Reason” Finding
  • Dependency - Change of Permanency Plan - Reasonable Time
  • Dependency Jurisdiction - Marijuana Use
  • Dependency Jurisdiction - History of Domestic Violence
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Oregon Appellate Court - August 7, 2013

by: Abassos • August 7, 2013 • no comments

  • Statute of Limitations - Crimes Occurring Over a Span of Time
  • Prior Convictions for Impeachment - OJIN is a Public Record
  • Applying the Correct Law Does Not Create a “Windfall” for the Defendant
  • Other Bad Acts - A Simple Prior Sex Crime Will Rarely Be Relevant to Intent or Consent
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Oregon Appellate Court - July 31, 2013

by: Zara Lukens, Alex Flood and Abassos • July 31, 2013 • no comments

  • Mere Acquiescence – Consent is Valid if Officer’s Statement Conveys a Choice to the Listener
  • Prior Bad Acts – Sex Offenses – Harmless Error
  • Past Deliberate Indifference Insufficient to Support Habeas Relief
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Oregon Supreme Court - July 25, 2013

by: Zara Lukens and Abassos • July 25, 2013 • no comments

  • Certification of Service of a Restraining Order Does Not Trigger Confrontation Rights
  • Privacy Requirement of OEC 412 is Constitutional
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Oregon Appellate Court - July 17, 2013

by: Sonja Good Stefani, Zara Lukens and Abassos • July 17, 2013 • no comments

  • Automobile Exception - Vehicle Need Not Be Mobile at Time of Stop
  • Defendant can waive counsel without understanding all potential defenses
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Oregon Appellate Court - July 24, 2013

by: Alarson, Sonja Good Stefani, Zara Lukens and Abassos • July 17, 2013 • no comments

  • Retrograde Extrapolation - Foundational Showing of Scientific Validity Necessary
  • Victim’s Rights - Restitution May Be Retroactively Imposed
  • Multiple Probation Violation Sentences for a Single Violation Must Be Concurrent
  • Speedy Trial – 10 Month “Routine Scheduling” Delay is Reasonable
  • Reasonable Suspicion – Drug Possession
  • “Presumptive Evidence” Means “Evidence”, Not a Conclusion of Law
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United States Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit -- July 15, 2013

by: Alex Flood • July 17, 2013 • no comments

  • Incorrect translation of Miranda rights did not reasonably convey defendant’s right to appointed counsel
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Oregon Appellate Court - July 10, 2013

by: Zara Lukens, Alarson, Sonja Good Stefani and Abassos • July 10, 2013 • no comments

  • Statute of Limitations Facts Must Be Specifically Pled
  • PCR – Sentencing Mitigation
  • Prejudicial Details of Crime May Be Admissible to Demonstrate Victim’s Memory
  • Request for Self-Representation May Be Rejected Because It Is Contingent on a Setover
  • Trial Counsel Was Not Inadequate Where He Allowed an Ag Murder Plea After Advising Defendant of Options and Timelines
  • Merger - Multiple Crimes Within the Same Date Range
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Oregon Supreme Court - July 5, 2013

by: Sonja Good Stefani and Abassos • July 8, 2013 • no comments

  • Stops - Extension – Investigation During Records Check Okay
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Oregon Appellate Court - July 3, 2013

by: Alex Flood, Alarson and Abassos • July 8, 2013 • no comments

  • A defendant’s unequivocal and unambiguous invocation of the right to remain silent cannot become retroactively equivocal upon further interaction with the police officer.
  • Burglary – Sufficiency of Evidence
  • Permanency - Reasonable Efforts Require a Cost-Benefit Analysis
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Oregon Supreme Court - June 27, 2013

by: Zara Lukens and Abassos • June 28, 2013 • no comments

  • PCR- Preponderance of the evidence required to establish prejudice as a result of inadequate counsel
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Oregon Appellate Court - June 26, 2013

by: Alarson and Abassos • June 26, 2013 • no comments

  • Kidnapping Requires Movement to a Qualitatively Different Place
  • Commercial Drug Offense Factors Do Not Need to Be Connected to the Drug Offense
  • Prior Bad Acts – Prior DV Assaults Not Admissible to Prove Awareness of Injury Risk
  • Victim’s Rights – Restitution May Be Amended 6 Months After Judgment
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Oregon Supreme Court - June 20, 2013

by: Sonja Good Stefani and Abassos • June 24, 2013 • no comments

  • Stay of Execution Granted In Spite Of Defendant’s Wishes
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Oregon Appellate Court - June 19, 2013

by: Zara Lukens, Sonja Good Stefani and Abassos • June 20, 2013 • no comments

  • Minimal factual nexus between evidence and unlawful conduct requires suppression; coercive circumstances make consent involuntary
  • Declining life-saving medical care is not a religious practice
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U.S. Supreme Court - June 17, 2013

by: Zara Lukens and Abassos • June 17, 2013 • no comments

  • Salinas v. Texas-- Mere silence does not invoke the Fifth Amendment
  • Alleyne v. United States-- Any fact that increases the mandatory minimum constitutes an element
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Oregon Appellate Court - June 12, 2013

by: Zara Lukens and Abassos • June 12, 2013 • no comments

  • Driver stopped when passenger’s license taken
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Oregon Appellate Court - June 5, 2013

by: Alarson and Abassos • June 6, 2013 • no comments

  • OEC 803(18a)(b) Requires a Specific Notice with Identified Hearsay Statements
  • Items seized during an inventory may not be processed as evidence
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United States Supreme Court – June 3, 2013

by: Alex Flood • June 5, 2013 • no comments

  • Maryland v. King-- Law Enforcement Officers May Collect DNA of an Individual Arrested for a “Serious Offense” Without Individualized Suspicion.
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Oregon Supreme Court - May 31, 2013

by: Sonja Good Stefani, Zara Lukens and Abassos • May 31, 2013 • no comments

  • Seizure of Victims/Witnesses Lawful
  • Evidence of Defendant’s Sleepwalking Relevant to Establish Lack of Voluntary Act for DUII
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Oregon Appellate Court - May 30, 2013

by: Sonja Good Stefani and Abassos • May 30, 2013 • one comment

  • Balancing test determines whether consent to search is attenuated from a prior illegality
  • “Immediately Stop” Means “Without Delay” for Failure to Perform the Duties of a Driver
  • Unconfirmed Use of Secondary Drugs Relevant to DUII
  • Reasonable Suspicion is Person Specific
  • Sex Abuse Diagnosis Without Physical Evidence – Not Harmless Error
  • No Windfalls Allowed
  • Habeas Corpus Becomes Moot When Relief Already Granted
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