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Resources for Defenders Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis in Oregon

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This wikilog article is a draft, it was not published yet.

by: Admin@ocdla.org • March 27, 2020 • no comments

03/27/20 Letter to our Members

03/27/20 Hundreds of former DOJ officials and federal judges urge President Trump to commute sentences and create emergency advisory group to respond to COVID-19 challenges

Oregon Judicial Branch Updates

Oregon State Bar COVID-19 Resources



Oregon Dept. of Justice Building Closures

Oregon Health Authority

Oregon Youth Authority

Governor Brown Executive Orders Page

DMV asking law enforcement discretion

Updates from Sen. Michael Dembrow

Portland Police Response

Portland Police Community FAQ

Joint Statement—Guidelines for Separateed Parents during COVID-19 from Association of Family and Conciliation Courts and American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers

State Family Law Advisory Committee Information for Parents Sharing Custody during COVID-19

County Actions

Clatsop County, 3/17/20 General Order of Level 3 Restrictions, Clatsop County

Josephine County, 3/17/20 Josephine County

Additional Documents

COVID-19 Motions

03/24/20 | Defendant’s Motion for Release | Tara Herivel

03/21/20 | Draft Motion for Review of Detention | Lisa Hay

03/20/20 | Template for a Motion to Challenge the Continued Pretrial Confinement of at-risk Clients | NAPD/NACDL

03/20/20 | Emergency Motion for Signature Bond | NAPD/NACDL

03/20/20 | Motion to Release on Personal Bond | NAPD/NACDL

03/20/20 | Release Motion | NAPD/NACDL

03/19/20 | Motion for Recognizance and Release Memo | Update as the numbers have gotten worse

03/17/20 | Motion to Continue | US District Court Middle District Tennessee

03/16/20 | Law in the Time of Corona: Federal Defense Edition | Stephen R. Sady