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U.S. Supreme Court - March 7, 2016

by: Aalvarez • March 11, 2016 • no comments

  • Brady - Evidence that the States' Witnesses Had Personal Reasons to Want to See the Defendant Convicted
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Oregon Supreme Ct - March 10, 2016

by: Aalvarez • March 11, 2016 • no comments

  • Appellate Procedure - Waiver of Objection
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Oregon Appellate Ct - March 9, 2016

by: Aalvarez and Crystal Maloney • March 10, 2016 • no comments

  • Search and Seizure - Relinquishment of Possessory and Privacy Interests
  • Prior Bad Acts - 403 Balancing After State v. Williams
  • 403 Balancing - Pre-Williams - Balancing Requested by the Defense
  • Dependency - Risk of Harm - Father's Failure to Protect Children from Mother
  • Termination of Parental Rights - Notice of Hearing Under ORS 419B.820
  • Emergency Aid Warrant Exception – Scope of the Exception Depends on the Type of Emergency and the Type of Aid That Would Alleviate It
  • Department of Corrections – Invalidating a DOC Health Care Rule and Policy
  • Miranda – Expressing a Clear and Present Desire to Speak With an Attorney in Response to Miranda Warnings Is an Unequivocal Invocation of the Right to Counsel
  • Invocation of the Right to Counsel Is Not Waived by Subsequent Statements Related to Routine Incidents of the Custodial Relationship
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Oregon Supreme Ct - March 3, 2016

by: Aalvarez • March 3, 2016 • no comments

  • Appellate Procedure - Motion to Dismiss under ORAP 8.05(3) - Evidence that a Defendant Has Absconded
  • Permanency Hearings - ORS 419B.923 - Raising Claims of Ineffective Assistance of Counsel on Direct Appeal
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Oregon Appellate Ct - March 2, 2016

  • Contempt – Proceedings initiated as Civil Contempt Proceedings Could not Result in Probation or a Fine
  • Miranda/Article I section 12 – Sex Abuse Admissions Not Made Under Compelling Circumstances
  • Civil Commitment – Delusions, Inappropriate Behavior, and Resisting Arrest Insufficient for Danger to Self or Others
  • Vouching – Harmless Error Where the Court Presumes the Jury Follows Curative Instructions
  • Evidence – Potential Plain error When Court Failed to Conduct 403 Balancing Test on Prior Bad Acts
  • Dependency – Excusable Neglect Claim Controverted by Mother’s Inconsistent Statements Regarding Her Mistake
  • Search and Seizure - Arrest Warrant Did not Sufficiently Attenuate Police Illegality
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Oregon Appellate Ct - February 24, 2016

by: Aalvarez • February 24, 2016 • no comments

  • Merger-Theft of a Firearm and Theft of Property Valued at $1,000 or More
  • Buck/Rodriguez-A Judge May Consider a Defendant’s Diminished Mental Capacity in Deciding Whether a Sentence is Disproportionate
  • Two Per Curiam Reversals of the Imposition of Attorney Fees
  • Delinquency-Insufficient Evidence to Support the Crime of UUV
  • Civil Commitment-Failure to Advise the AMIP of The Right to Subpoena
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Oregon Supreme Ct - February 19, 2016

by: Aalvarez • February 20, 2016 • no comments

  • A Defendant's Decision to Provide a False Name During an Unlawful Traffic Stop Can Attenuate the Taint of the Unlawful Encounter
  • A Court Must Consider The "Reasonable Foreseeability" of Damages in a Restitution Hearing
  • A Victim May Recover Lost Wages as Restitution When Subpoenaed to Trial and an Accompanying Restitution Hearing
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Oregon Appellate Ct - February 18, 2016

by: Aalvarez • February 18, 2016 • no comments

  • Permanency - Substance Abuse and Lack of Legal Custody Insufficient Grounds for Jurisdiction
  • A First Degree Robbery Indictment Necessarily Alleges the Crime of Third Degree Robbery
  • Weaving in Own Lane and Touching Fog Line is Sufficient to Provide Reasonable Suspicion of DUII
  • Evidence of a Lawful Marijuana Business in Washington is Not Relevant in a Prosecution for Delivery in Oregon
  • Merger - Possession and Delivery of a Controlled Substance
  • OEC 803(18a)(b)-State Not Necessarily Required to Provide New Notice of Hearsay Statement Particulars on Retrial
  • Nonthreatening but Unwanted Contacts with No Previous History of Violence Or Threats Are Insufficient to Justify an SPO
  • Attorney Fees May Not Be Imposed Where the Record is Silent as to the Defendant's Ability to Pay
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Oregon Appellate Ct - February 10, 2016

by: Aalvarez • February 11, 2016 • no comments

  • PCR - Defendant Did Not Suffer Prejudice by Counsel’s Failure to Object to the Use of a Restraining Leg Brace Where the Brace was Not Visible to the Jury
  • PCR – There Can Be No Claim for Post-Conviction Relief Where the Defendant Unsuccessfully Previously Raised the Claim on Direct Review
  • Unanimous Jury Verdicts are Not Required
  • Merger - Plain Error - Manufacturing Cocaine and Manufacturing Cocaine in Substantial Quantities
  • MJOA - Tampering with Physical Evidence - Knowledge of Being Under Arrest Was Sufficient to Prove Knowledge that an Official Proceeding Was About to be Commenced
  • Attorney's Fees - Plain Error in Imposing Where No Evidence of Defendant's Ability to Pay
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Oregon Supreme Ct - February 4, 2016

by: Aalvarez • February 11, 2016 • no comments

  • UUV Requires a Mental State of Knowledge Because “Without the Owner’s Consent” is Part of the Conduct UUV Criminalizes, NOT a Circumstance
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Oregon Appellate Ct - February 3, 2016

by: Aalvarez • February 11, 2016 • no comments

  • UUW - Holding a Gun Coupled with Angry Statements is Sufficient to Prove Intent to Fire the Gun
  • Merger - Plain Error - Possession of Multiple Guns in One House Merge into One Conviction
  • Knowingly Allowing an Acquaintance to Store Guns in Your Home is Sufficient Evidence of Constructive Possession
  • Dependency - Failure to Present Sufficient Evidence to Justify Jurisdiction - No Evidence of Harm to Child
  • Former Speedy Trial Statute - 19 Month Delay in a DUII Case is Unreasonable
  • Miranda - Invocation of Counsel is Equivocal if Reasonably Interpreted in Multiple Ways
  • The Court Will Decline to Examine a Federal Issue When No Distinct Analysis Provided
  • Officer Safety - Pat Down Not Justified on a Reasonable Suspicion of Serious Physical Injury
  • Joinder - Two or More Acts Connected Together - Marijuana Possession and Assault IV in the Same Vehicle
  • Severance-Substantial Prejudice - No Prejudice Where Defendant Can Limit the Most Damaging Result of the Joinder
  • Choice of Evils - Medical Marijuana Defense - Insufficient Evidence that Defendant's Marijuana Possession Was Necessary as to Justify Defense
  • Improper Joinder - Demurrer - Unpreserved
  • Joinder - Marijuana Possession and Theft of Firearms Where Evidence of Both was Discovered in One Search
  • Severance - Substantial Prejudice - No Substantial Prejudice Where Defendant Does Not Explain How Evidence Will Harm His Case
  • Attorney’s Fees - Plain Error in Imposing When the State Puts on No Evidence of the Defendant’s Ability to Pay
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Jan. 27, 2016

by: Abassos • January 27, 2016 • no comments

  • Assault IV - "Substantial Pain" Can Be Inferred From Observed Injuries and Circumstantial Evidence
  • Manslaughter - "Extreme Indifference to the Value of Human Life" Is More Than a Lack of Concern for Social and Legal Responsibility
  • The Corpus Delecti Rule - Inner Thigh Bruises and Scratches Are Sufficient to Corroborate a Confession to Touching the Victim's Vagina
  • Attenuation - Implied Consent Can Break the Chain Between an Article I, Sec. 12 Violation and Consent to a Breath Test
  • PCR - A Dismissal For Failure to State a Claim is Not Appealable
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Jan. 21, 2016

by: Abassos • January 21, 2016 • no comments

  • Probation Condition - Overbreadth - Ban On Spending More Than $250.00 Without Permission Is Not Overbroad and Is Reasonably Related to Gambling/Theft
  • Probation Condition - Overbreadth - Ban on Traveling Outside County of Residence Overbroad and Not Reasonably Related to Theft/Misconduct/Tampering
  • Probation Condition - Overbreadth - Ban on Traveling Into County of Crime Is Overbroad in a Stalking Case
  • Habeas Petition Challenging Administrative Segregation Must Allege Facts Supporting a Constitutionally Inadequate Process
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Jan. 13, 2016

by: Abassos • January 13, 2016 • no comments

  • No appellate opinions were issued either the week of January 13th or the week of January 6, 2016.

Oregon Supreme Ct - Dec 31, 2015

by: Abassos • December 31, 2015 • no comments

  • A Consent Search Is Justified Only If Someone Who Had Actual Authority Gave Consent. The Federal Doctrine of Apparent Authority Is Inconsistent With Oregon's Conception of Article I, Section 9.
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Dec. 30, 2015

by: Abassos and Erin Roycroft • December 30, 2015 • no comments

  • Tampering With A Witness – The Defendant Must Have Believed, At The Time Threats Were Made, That the Person Threatened Was Actually Going to Be A Witness
  • Attenuation - The Purpose and Flagrancy Factor Is Objective, The Officer's Subjective Intent is Irrelevant
  • Photo Radar - A Motion to Dismiss is an Appropriate Vehicle to Challenge the Conditions Precedent
  • A Concurrence Instruction Is Required When The State Has Advanced Both Accomplice and Principal Liability
  • A Concurrence Instruction Is Not Required For Alternative Factual Means of Proving an Element of the Crime
  • Child Sex Abuse - Defendant Was Not Entitled to an In Camera Review of the Victim's Dependency Records
  • Confrontation Clause - Right to Examine on Prior False Accusations - Sufficiency of Defendant's Proof of Falsity
  • Continuance - Restraining Order Hearing - It Was an Abuse of Discretion Not To Allow Either the Petitioner's Only Witness Or a Continuance
  • Vouching - An Officer's Description of an Interview With a Victim Was Not Such Obvious Vouching That It Was Plain Error
  • Sentencing – A Probation Condition Is Not Overly Broad If It Is Reasonably Related to the Crime or the Needs of the Probationer
  • Delinquency – ORS 419C.261 Dismissal (aka Conditional Postponement) of Sex Offense Does Not Require DA's Assent
  • Delinquency – ORS 419C.261 Gives Juvenile Courts the Authority to Dismiss a Petition Pre-Adjudication, Even For the Purpose of Preventing Sex Offender Registry
  • Dependency Jurisdiction – An Appeal of an Order Finding Jurisdiction Is Not Moot Just Because the Petition is Ultimately Dismissed
  • Dependency Jurisdiction –Drug Use from Five Years Prior Is Not Sufficient to Establish Jurisdiction
  • Preservation - Hearsay Objection Is Not the Same as an Objection to Using the Hearsay as Basis of Opinion (i.e. Personal Knowledge)
  • Parole - An Appeal of an Order Denying Parole Becomes Moot When the Appellant Is Released On Parole
  • Parole - Murder Review Hearing - Substantial Reasoning Supporting a Board Order Means Primarily Explicit Reasoning
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Oregon Supreme Ct - Dec. 24, 2015

by: Abassos • December 24, 2015 • no comments

  • Child Endangerment - Possession of Drugs Is "Unlawful Activity Involving Controlled Substances"
  • Child Endangerment - "A Place Where Unlawful Activity Involving Controlled Substances Is Maintained or Conducted" Means a Drug House
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Dec 23, 2015

by: Alisa Larson-Xu and Abassos • December 23, 2015 • no comments

  • Reasonable Suspicion - Marijuana Odor Insufficient for Reasonable Suspicion
  • Exigent Circumstances – Blood Draw – 2 1/2 Hours For a Warrant and No Officer Time to Get It = Exigency
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Dec. 16, 2015

by: Alisa Larson-Xu and Abassos • December 16, 2015 • no comments

  • Robbery – Rob-2 Is Not Automatically a Lesser Included of Rob-1
  • Prior Violent Acts Are Admissible to Refute Defendant’s Statement That He Would Not Use Force to Harm Another Person
  • Felony Resentencing - Where a Conviction is Reversed, The Affirmed Counts Require a Resentencing
  • Invited Error – Attorney’s Fees – Recommending An Amount In Sentencing Memo May Invite Error
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Dec. 9, 2015

by: Abassos and Alisa Larson-Xu • December 9, 2015 • no comments

  • Assault IV - Physical Injury - That the Victim Was Slapped and Felt a Sting Is Not Enough to Establish Substantial Pain
  • Scope of Consent to Search - Consent to "Search the Vehicle" for "Anything Concerning" Does Not Include the Search of a Closed Container Inside the Vehicle (Unless the Officer Requests a More Invasive Search)
  • Exploitation - The Unlawful Seizure of Defendant By Ordering Him to Get Medical Treatment Was Attenuated From HIs Later Consent to Search Given to A Different Officer at the Hospital
  • The Search of a Cell Phone Generally Requires a Warrant - Search Incident to Arrest Does Not Apply
  • Incriminating Statements - Statements to an Undercover Officer Will Not Generally Violate Either the Fifth or Sixth Amendments - PCR
  • Derivative Use Immunity - Co-Defendant's Statement Was Derived From Defendant's Statement Where the Latter Was Played to Induce the Former - PCR - Death Penalty
  • Sentencing – “Remand for Resentencing” Requires A New Sentencing on All Convictions
  • Sentencing - Does a Sentence Denying Credit For Time Served Create an Equal Protection Problem Where the Defendant Was Unable to Post Bail?
  • Evidence - Hearsay - State of Mind Exception - Defendant's Friend's Intent to Drive Defendant Home Was Admissible to Show That He Did Drive Defendant Home
  • Request for Pro Se Representation May Be Denied If It Would Be Disruptive to the Orderly Conduct of a Trial
  • PCR – A Written Judgment May State the Grounds On Which the Cause Was Determined By Incorporating Findings Made On the Record
  • Dependency Jurisdiction – Mental Health Concerns + Not Fully Engaged in Services + Avoiding Fault for Child’s Injury = Appropriately Continued Jurisdiction
  • Dependency - Change of Permanency Plan – Slow Progress in Connecting with Child and Completing Classes Justifies a Change of Plan To Adoption
  • Civil Commitment - Intellectual Disability - A Competency Evaluation Will Not Suffice for the Requisite Chapter 427 Diagnostic Evaluation
  • Preservation – Where an Exhibit Contains Portions That Are Inadmissible and Portions That Are Admissible, An Objection to the Exhibit Will Not Suffice - Specific Inadmissible Evidence Must Be Identified
  • Plain Error - Merger – UUW and Pointing a Firearm at Another Do Not Automatically Merge
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