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Oregon Appellate Ct - June 24, 2015

by: Abassos, Sean McGuire, April Yates and Tyler Williams • June 24, 2015 • no comments

  • Hearsay -- Medical Diagnosis Exception Does Not Require Declarant to Identify Direct Cause of Injury or Illness
  • Consent to Search Following an “Amiable Conversation” With Police is Voluntarily Given
  • Dependency - Jurisdiction Requires Non-Speculative Danger
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US Supreme Ct - June 18, 2015

by: Abassos • June 19, 2015 • no comments

  • Confrontation - A Child's Accusatory Statement Made to Someone Who's Not a Police Officer Probably Does Not Trigger Confrontation
  • Atkins - Cutoff for Intellectual Disability -
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Oregon Supreme Ct - June 18, 2015

by: Breinhard • June 19, 2015 • no comments

  • Miranda Violations, Consent to Search and Attenuation
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Oregon Appellate Ct - June 17, 2015

by: Abassos, April Yates, Tyler Williams and Sean McGuire • June 17, 2015 • no comments

  • Proportionality - Public Indecency Alone May Not Form the Basis for a Sex Offender Life Sentence
  • DUII -“Retrograde Extrapolation” Using Widmark Is Scientifically Valid
  • DUII-Agreeing to Take a Breath Test After Being Read the Implied Consent Warnings Counts as Voluntary Consent, Absent an Oppressive Atmosphere.
  • Search & Seizure – Consent to Search a Car Extends to a Closed Backpack in the Car
  • Stops - Grabbing Defendant's Boat and Requesting Fishing Tags Was a Show of Authority
  • Merger - Attempted Rob I and UUW Don't Merge
  • PCR - A Judgment of Denial Must State the Basis of Denial
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Oregon Appellate Ct - June 10, 2015

by: Abassos, Tyler Williams, April Yates and Sean McGuire • June 11, 2015 • no comments

  • Extension of a Stop – Rodgers/Kirkeby Applies to Non-Traffic Stops
  • Invalid Waiver of Counsel - Prejudice - Misunderstanding a Plea Deal
  • Failure to Merge Convictions Is Reviewable By the Appellate Court
  • Civil Commitments – Failure to Inform the Defendant of Her Right to Subpoena Witnesses Is a Plain Error (Per Curiam)
  • Court-Appointed Attorney’s Fees - A Trial Court Must Consider Defendant’s Ability to Pay (Per Curiam)
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Oregon Supreme Ct - June 4, 2015

by: Abassos • June 4, 2015 • no comments

  • PCR - Prejudice - Where the Outcome of Trial is at Issue for Prejudice, the Standard Is Less Than "Probable" But More Than "Possible"
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Oregon Appellate Ct - June 3, 2015

by: Abassos, Tyler Williams, April Yates and Kit Taylor • June 3, 2015 • no comments

  • Disorderly Conduct II - People In a House Who Know Each Other Are Not "The Public"
  • Interfering With A Peace Officer - An Order Is Lawful If It Is Lawful On Its Face
  • Stops – "I'm going to let you go" Does Not Convey That a Stop Has Ended
  • Stalking Protective Orders - Subjective Alarm Requires Actual Concern for One's Well-Being
  • PCR - Late Filing - Bad Legal Advice and Incarceration Don't Suffice For the Escape Clause
  • A DMV Order Dismissing Breath Test Suspension Is Relevant to Officer's Credibility at a DUII Trial
  • Attorney Fees Require Ability to Pay
  • Consent and Exploitation - The State May Not Make an Exploitation Argument for the First Time on Appeal
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Oregon Appellate Ct - May 28, 2015

  • Med Marijuana - Affirmative Defense - Medical Marijuana Advice Must be Given Within 12 Months Prior to Arrest.
  • Reasonable Suspicion - Possession of Drugs - {drug history + drug use + indexing + exiting vehicle quickly}
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Oregon Appellate Ct - May 20, 2015

by: Abassos and Kit Taylor • May 20, 2015 • no comments

  • A Person Has a Possessory Interest in a USPS Express Mail Package In Transit
  • Burglary 1 - A Breezeway Can Be Part of a “Dwelling"
  • DUII - A Person With a CDL is Ineligible for DUII Diversion, Regardless of the CDL's Validity
  • Sex Abuse - OEC 412 - Evidence of Prior Consensual Sex is Admissible When the State Opens the Door By Bringing in the Prior Sexual Contacts
  • OEC 801(4)(a)(B) - Prior Consistent Statements to Rebut a Motive to Fabricate Must Have Been Made Prior to When the Motive Existed
  • Attorney Fees - The Court Must Determine Ability to Pay
  • Merger - Attempted Agg Murder with Two Victims Does Not Merge With Both Lesser Counts of Attempted Murder for Same Incident/Same Victims
  • Probation Revocation - A Sanction Cannot Exceed the Maximum Determinate Sentence
  • Dependency Jurisdiction - The Focus Is On the Child's Welfare, Not the Parent's Conduct
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Oregon Supreme Ct - May 14, 2015

by: Abassos • May 14, 2015 • no comments

  • Identity Theft - Signing a Fingerprint Card and Property Receipt With a False Name is Neither "Uttering" Nor "Converting to One's Own Use"
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Oregon Appellate Ct - May 13, 2015

by: Abassos and Kit Taylor • May 13, 2015 • no comments

  • Probable Cause - Behavior Intended to Assert One's Privacy Rights Cannot Contribute to PC
  • Waiver of Counsel is Not Knowing If There Is Only an Abstract Appreciation That It Is Risky
  • It Is Not a Search When Police Observe and Download Files Shared on a Peer to Peer Network
  • UUV - Keeping a Vehicle for Three Weeks on a One-Day Rental Contract is a "Gross Deviation From the Agreement"
  • DUII - ORS 813.011 - Mandatory Minimum Sentence for Repeat Offenders Cannot be Suspended or Reduced
  • 'Imposition of Attorney Fees is Appropriate if Court Reasonably Infers Defendant May Have the Ability to Pay in the Near Future
  • OEC 403 - Exclusion of Relevant Rebuttal Evidence is Permissible to Avoid a “Trial within a Trial”
  • Sodomy I - Forcible Compulsion Must be Knowing
  • Child Sex Abuse - Vouching
  • FAPA Restraining Order – Trial Court's Coercive Statements Violated Defendant’s Right to Testify
  • TPR - Pattern of Conduct Not likely to Change is Sufficient to Terminate Parental Rights
  • TPR - Short-term Treatment Progress and Desire to Change Not Sufficient to Prevent Termination of Parental Rights
  • TPR - Unavailability to Parent Due to Incarceration Alone is Not Sufficient Proof of Serious Detriment to Child
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Oregon Appellate Ct - May 6, 2015

by: Abassos • May 6, 2015 • no comments

  • Search Warrant - Probable Cause - Possession of a Firearm After a Shooting
  • Burglary - Public Area of Hospital After Hours is Not Open to the Public
  • Search and Seizure - Probable Cause - Fraudulent Tags + Furtive Behavior + Sketchy Story + No Insurance or Bill of Sale = PC
  • Prior Bad Acts - Prior Solicitations For Murder in a Solicitation for Murder Case Against the Same Victim
  • Termination of Parental Rights - The Erroneous Appointment of a Guardian Ad Litem Renders the Proceeding Fundamentally Unfair
  • Parole Board Reviewability - A Decision Not to Reconsider an Order Is Not a Itself a Final Order and, Therefore, Not Reviewable
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Oregon Appellate Ct - April 29, 2015

by: Frangieringer and Abassos • April 30, 2015 • no comments

  • Search Warrants - 11 Ounces of Weed and an Expired Medical Marijuana Card is Enough for a Warrant
  • Stops - Reasonable Suspicion – "Couple of Guys Smoking Something"
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Oregon Supreme Ct - April 23, 2015

by: Frangieringer and Abassos • April 23, 2015 • no comments

  • Witness Tampering - The Victim is the State, Not the Witness
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Oregon Appellate Ct - April 22, 2015

by: Frangieringer and Abassos • April 23, 2015 • no comments

  • Kidnapping – Moving a Person from One Room to Another, Without More, Is Not Asportation
  • PCS – A Person Can Constructively Possess Drugs Located in Another Person’s Vagina
  • Jury Concurrence – Error Not to Give Concurrence Instruction on Accomplice vs Principle
  • Choice of Evils – Failure to Appear - Caring for Someone Who Is Ill is Not Sufficient, By Itself
  • Stops – Tense Conversation and Investigatory Questioning Can Create a Stop
  • Merger – Rob I and Rob II with a Firearm (Same Incident/Same Complainant) Do Not Merge
  • Merger – Multiple Counts of Sex Abuse I (Same Incident/Same Complainant) Merge
  • Dependency – Sufficient Progress for Service Agreement Does Not Require Return of Child
  • TPR – Denial of Addiction Can Be the Basis for a Termination
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U.S. Supreme Ct - April 21, 2015

by: Frangieringer • April 21, 2015 • no comments

  • Fourth Amendment – No de minimis Extension of Traffic Stops Without Reasonable Suspicion
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Oregon Appellate Ct - April 15, 2015

by: Frangieringer and Abassos • April 16, 2015 • no comments

  • Failing to Report as a Sex-Offender – State Doesn’t Need to Prove Location on the 10th Day
  • Sentencing – Can’t Impose Post-Prison Supervision That Would Exceed Statutory Maximum
  • Merger – No Merger Where Offenses Arising From the Same Incident Are “Temporally and Qualitatively Different”
  • Conditions of Probation – Complete Internet Ban Okay Where it Furthers the Purposes of Probation
  • PSRB – OAR 859-050-00100 Does Not Conflict With the ORS
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Oregon Appellate Ct - April 8, 2015

by: Frangieringer, Alarson and Abassos • April 9, 2015 • no comments

  • Coercion – A Person Has a "Legal Right to Abstain" From Returning Property They Have a Right to Use
  • Vouching – Social Worker in Sex Abuse Case Can’t Testify That There Were No Indications of Suggestion or Coaching
  • Character Evidence – Prosecutor Can’t Comment on Defense Failure to Present Evidence That Is Barred By the Evidence Code
  • Inevitable Discovery – State Must Identify Lawful Means
  • Dependency – Court Has No Obligation to Sua Sponte Terminate a Guardian Ad Litem
  • Dependency – General No-Contact Order is Overbroad If Less Restrictive Order Would Suffice
  • Preservation - Dependency - Strategic Silence Doesn’t Preserve Error
  • Merger - Preservation - Counts that Merge if There Is a Common Victim Do not Fail to Merge Just Because the State Names Additional Different Victims for Each Count
  • Preservation – Waiver of Jury Trial - Must Ask Judge for Reasoning to Preserve Issue for Appeal
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Oregon Appellate Ct - April 1, 2015

by: Frangieringer and Abassos • April 1, 2015 • no comments

  • Bias – Evidence of a U Visa Application is Relevant Impeachment Evidence
  • Hearsay – Under OEC(18a)(b), Unavailability is Immaterial if the Declarant Testifies
  • Asking for the Time Is Not Disorderly Conduct
  • Vouching – Harmless Error - Testimony Consistent with the Defense Theory
  • Use of Child in Sexually Explicit Display – "Permit" Means to Make Possible, Not Authority To Prohibit
  • Vouching – Plain Error - “True” Vouching
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U.S. Supreme Ct - Mar. 30, 2015

by: Frangieringer and Abassos • March 30, 2015 • no comments

  • IAC – Skipping Argument Irrelevant to Theory of the Case is not IAC
  • Search & Seizure – Satellite Monitoring is a Search
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