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Felony Sentencing Manual

2019 "Silver Anniversary" edition,

By Jesse Barton - Includes January 2024 Updates, provided by Jennelle Meeks Barton

Copyright © 2019 by the Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association.

All rights, title, and interest in this publication, including any updates or revisions thereto, is the sole and exclusive property of Oregon Criminal Defense Lawyers Association. Do not share, save, or reproduce this publication without prior permission from OCDLA for any purpose other than personal or professional use as an attorney. Do not sublicense, distribute, transfer, or otherwise share your subscription to this publication.

Felony Sentencing in Oregon, Foreword

Felony Sentencing in Oregon, Sentencing Outline

Felony Sentencing in Oregon, Chapter 1 - Introduction

Felony Sentencing in Oregon, Chapter 2 - Crime Seriousness Rankings

Felony Sentencing in Oregon, Chapter 3 - Criminal History Scoring

Felony Sentencing in Oregon, Chapter 4 - Prison Sentences and Post-Prison Supervision

Felony Sentencing in Oregon, Chapter 5 - Probationary and Straight Jail Sentences

Felony Sentencing in Oregon, Chapter 6 - Plea Agreements

Felony Sentencing in Oregon, Chapter 7 - Departure Sentences

Felony Sentencing in Oregon, Chapter 8 - Merger and Consecutive Sentences

Felony Sentencing in Oregon, Chapter 9 - Appeals and Post-Sentencing/Resentencing Authority

Felony Sentencing in Oregon, Chapter 10 - Sentencing Guidelines

To purchase OCDLA's laminated March 2024 Sentencing Guidelines Grid by Jesse Wm. Barton, which includes additional helpful information, click here.

To report issues, errors or other discrepancies, contact Jesse Wm. Barton, jwmb@jessbartonlaw.com.


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