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Oregon Supreme Court - February 7, 2013

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by: Jwestover and Abassos • February 7, 2013 • no comments

Judicial Censure for Hostility Toward Defendant

It is a violation of the Oregon Code of Judicial Conduct for a judge to call the defendant a “piece of shit” and say that he “personally hopes that [Defendant] rots in prison.” Specifically, it is a violation of:

  • “JR1-101(A) (judge shall observe high standards of conduct so that integrity, impartiality, and independence of the judiciary are preserved)”, and
  • “JR 1-101(C) (judge shall not engage in conduct that reflects adversely on the judge’s character, competence, temperament, or fitness to serve as a judge).”

In re Barnack, ___ Or ___ (Feb. 7, 2013) (per curiam).