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Oregon Appellate Ct - July 6, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • July 9, 2017 • no comments

  • Scientific Evidence – Officer’s Conclusion that Defendant Passed or Failed Field Sobriety Test is Scientific Testimony Requiring Adequate Foundation
  • Expert Testimony – Trial Court Erroneously Excluded General Testimony on False Memory – Offer of Proof was Sufficient for Review
  • Sentencing – Under ORS 137.717, Court Lacked Authority to Impose Multiple Downward Departure Sentences but Court had Discretion to Choose Which Count to Depart
  • Search and Seizure – Officer’s Belief that Defendant Possessed Drugs was Not Objectively Reasonable
  • Attorney Fees – Defendant’s General Statement that He May Be Able to Work Insufficient to Support Attorney Fee Award
  • Search and Seizure – Traffic Stop Was Valid under Vehicle Code
  • Juvenile Dependency – Court Violated Interstate Compact by Appointing Guardian in California
  • Sentencing – Trial Court Plainly Violated 200 Percent Rule for Consecutive Sentences
  • Inmate Litigation – Trial Court Did Not Err in Revoking the Waiver of Plaintiff’s Filing Fees
  • Interference with Peace Officer – On Reconsideration Reversing Conviction Because Defendant was Engaged in Passive Resistance
  • Self-Representation – Trial Court Erred in Failing to Allow Defendant to Represent Himself
  • Per Curiam – Merger – Sex Abuse and Sodomy Verdicts Based on Same Acts but Different Theories Should Merge
  • Per Curiam – Merger – Individual Thefts Should Merge into Aggravated Theft
  • Per Curiam – Civil Commitment – Appellant’s Shackling Argument is Unpreserved
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Oregon Supreme Ct - June 29, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • June 30, 2017 • no comments

  • Search and Seizure – Remanding to Determine as Factual Matter Scope of Defendant’s Consent
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Oregon Appellate Ct - June 28, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • June 30, 2017 • no comments

  • Trial Court Properly Denied Demurrer as Untimely – Trial Court Properly Imposed Compensatory Fine
  • Evidence Sufficient to Support Conviction for Initiating False Report
  • Juvenile Dependency – Mother’s Admission Was Sufficient to Support Jurisdiction
  • Per Curiam - Post-Conviction Relief – Remanding for Reconsideration of Poston Issue
  • Per Curiam – Civil Commitment – Insufficient Evidence to Support Commitment
  • Per Curiam - Juvenile Dependency – Court Erred in Appointed Guardian Ad Litem for Mother
  • Per Curiam - Appeal and Review – Defendant May Not Appeal from Guilty Plea
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Oregon Supreme Ct - June 22, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • June 26, 2017 • no comments

  • Sentencing - Sentence Was Not Vindictive When Overall Sentence was Shorter
  • Sentencing – Trial Court Erred in Failing to Consider Whether Defendant’s Intellectual Disability Rendered Measure 11 Sentence Unconstitutional
  • Search and Seizure – Although WA Officer Lacked Authority to Stop Defendant, Evidence Was Constitutionally Obtained
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Oregon Appellate Ct - June 21, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • June 26, 2017 • no comments

  • Search and Seizure – Consent to Search was Voluntary – Defendant was Not Seized
  • Sufficiency of Evidence - Record was Insufficient to Present Substantial Pain Theory of Assault to Jury
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Oregon Supreme Ct - June 15, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • June 19, 2017 • no comments

  • Search and Seizure - Scope of Consent is Determined by Defendant's Actual Intent
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Oregon Appellate Ct - June 14, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • June 19, 2017 • no comments

  • Evidence was Insufficient to Convict Defendant of Reckless Endangerment
  • Post-Conviction Relief – Petitioner’s Successive Petition Did Not Fall Within Escape Clause
  • Evidence – Record Did Not Reveal that Trial Court Conducted OEC 403 Balancing and Limited Remand Required
  • Failure to Appear - Sufficient Evidence that Defendant was Released from Custody – Failure to Redact Misdemeanor Charges from Release Agreement was Harmless Error
  • Search and Seizure – State Proved Exigent Circumstances Justified Warrantless Entry into Home
  • Evidence was Sufficient to Convict Defendant of Failure to Perform Duties of Driver
  • Sentencing – Merger Required for Identity Theft and Fraudulent Use of a Credit Card
  • Right to Counsel – Defendant’s Article I, Section 11, Rights Were Violated by Cellmate Interrogation
  • Court Cannot Review Exclusion of Expert Testimony Due to Insufficient Offer of Proof
  • Search and Seizure – Defendant was Stopped without Reasonable Suspicion
  • Per Curiam - Attorney Fees – Trial Court Plainly Erred in Imposing Fees
  • Per Curiam - Civil Commitment – Dismissal Warranted When Appellant Held for More Than Five Days Without Hearing
  • Per Curiam - Habeas Corpus – Plaintiff Not Precluded from Re-Raising Claims
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Oregon Appellate Ct - June 7, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • June 9, 2017 • no comments

  • Post-Conviction Relief – Petitioner Was Not Prejudiced by Trial Counsel’s Deficient Performance
  • Juvenile Dependency – Mother Was Permitted to Present New Evidence at Judicial Rehearing
  • Speedy Trial – Defendant was Not Prejudiced by Pretrial Delay – Defendant Waived Statute of Limitations Defense
  • Sentencing – Trial Court Erred in Imposing Consecutive Sentences for Attempted Murder and First-Degree Assault
  • Per Curiam – Sentencing – Not Plain Error to Impose Lengthy Non-Life Sentence on Juvenile
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Oregon Appellate Ct - June 1, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • June 2, 2017 • no comments

  • Charging Instruments – Upholding on Reconsideration Earlier Opinion Requiring State to Allege Basis of Joinder
  • DUII – Trial Court Did Not Err in Instructing the Jury on Alternative Theories of DUII
  • Evidence – Admission of Judgment of Conviction Over Defendant’s Stipulation was Prejudicial
  • Evidence – Portion of Transcript Admissible on Alternative Hearsay Exception
  • Per Curiam – Reversing “Mandatory State Amt” but Upholding Imposition of Attorney Fees
  • Per Curiam – Reversing Imposition of DUII Conviction Fee
  • Per Curiam – Reversal for Lack of Written Jury Waiver
  • Per Curiam – Trial Court Imposed Unlawful Post-Prison Supervision Sentence
  • Per Curiam – Trial Court Plainly Erred in Imposing Extradition Fees
  • Per Curiam – Civil Commitment – Insufficient Evidence to Support Finding of Dangerousness
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Oregon Appellate Ct - May 24, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • May 26, 2017 • no comments

  • Telephonic Harassment Requires Proof that Caller Caused Phone to Make Audible Sound
  • Sentencing – Trial Court Plainly Erred in Imposing Two 60-Month Firearm Minimums but Defendant was Not Prejudiced by Error
  • Evidence – Defendant’s Prior Convictions Were Inadmissible
  • Juvenile Dependency – Permanency Judgment Supported by Sufficient Evidence
  • Restitution – Wildlife Valuation Statute Did Not Establish Economic Damages
  • Per Curiam – Reversing Attorney Fees
  • Per Curiam - Juvenile Dependency – Remanding for Entry of Judgment on Other Jurisdictional Grounds
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Oregon Appellate Ct - May 17, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • May 22, 2017 • no comments

  • Kidnapping – Trial Court Did Not Plainly Err in Entering Conviction for Kidnapping
  • Sentencing – Trial Court Erred in Failing to Merge Guilty Verdicts and Remand for Resentencing is Required
  • Post-Conviction Relief – PCR Court Applied Incorrect Brady Standard and Remand Required
  • Post-Conviction Relief – PCR Court Did Not Err in Dismissing Successive Petition
  • Evidence – Interpreter’s Translation of Defendant’s Confession was Inadmissible Hearsay
  • Post-Conviction Relief – Counsel Ineffective for Failing to Object to Trial Court’s Improper Comments
  • Restraining Orders – Sufficient Evidence in Record to Support FAPA Order
  • Stalking Protective Orders – Insufficient Evidence to Support SPO
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Oregon Appellate Ct - May 10, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • May 12, 2017 • no comments

  • Miranda Warnings Were Not Required During Traffic Stop and DUII Investigation
  • Defendant Could Not Invoke Right to Counsel in Non-Compelling Circumstances
  • Defendant Entitled to Acquittal on Manufacture of a Destructive Device
  • Termination of Parental Rights – Juvenile Court Erred in Excluding Evidence but Termination was Proper
  • Computer Crime – Providing False Info to Banks Not Sufficient Proof of “Use” of a Computer
  • Post-Conviction Relief – PCR Court Did Not Err in Denying Petitioner’s Claim
  • Juvenile Dependency – Judgments Not Appealable Because of Lack of Adverse Affect
  • Juvenile Dependency – Juvenile Court Did Not Err in Changing Permanency Plan
  • Post-Conviction Relief – Petitioner Attached Sufficient Support of PCR Claim
  • Per Curiam - Stalking – State Concedes Communications Were Not Contacts
  • Per Curiam - Juvenile Dependency – Jurisdictional Judgment Affirmed but Two Grounds Reversed
  • Per Curiam – Claim of Error is Unreviewable
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Oregon Supreme Ct - May 4, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • May 8, 2017 • no comments

  • Confrontation - "Implied Consent Combined Report" Not Barred by Federal Confrontation Clause in DWS Trial
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Oregon Appellate Ct - May 3, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • May 8, 2017 • no comments

  • Defendant Entitled to Acquittal For Failure to Perform Duties of Driver When Unaware of Accident Until Later
  • Attorney Fees – Plain Error to Impose Attorney Fees – Defendant Did Not Invite the Error
  • Search and Seizure – Police Did Not Unlawfully Trespass on Defendant’s Private Drive
  • Miranda Warnings – Warnings Were Not Rendered Inadequate by Officer’s Subsequent Statements and Defendant Knowingly and Voluntarily Waived Rights
  • Search and Seizure –Emergency Aid Exception Did Not Justify Warrantless Search of Defendant’s Home
  • Per Curiam – Trial Court Erred in Imposing Restitution When Not Part of Plea Agreement
  • Per Curiam – Trial Court Erred in Denying Plaintiff’s Fee Waiver Request
  • Per Curiam – Civil Commitment – Trial Court Did Not Have Authority to Commit when Prior Commitment Order Still in Place
  • Per Curiam – Trial Court Plainly Erred in Imposing Attorney Fees
  • Per Curiam – Search Warrant Did Not Establish Nexus Between Illegal Activity and Defendant’s Trailer
  • Per Curiam – Court Cannot Review Defendant’s Claim Due to Lack of Trial Court Ruling
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Oregon Supreme Ct - April 27, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • April 30, 2017 • no comments

  • Uncharged Misconduct Evidence - OEC 404(3) and 404(4) Require Traditional OEC 403 Balancing - Remand to the Trial Court is the Proper Remedy
  • Right to Self-Representation - Trial Court Erred as a Matter of Law in Concluding that Defendant Had No Right to Self-Representation Mid-Trial
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Oregon Appellate Ct - April 26, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • April 28, 2017 • no comments

  • Trial Court Did Not Err in Amending Judgment Without Resentencing Defendant
  • Civil Commitment – Insufficient Evidence that Appellant was a Danger to Himself
  • Post-Conviction Relief – Petitioner Failed to Prove that Counsel’s Response to Vouching Testimony was Inadequate
  • Post-Conviction Relief – Petitioner is Presumed to Know Immigration Law and Petition Did Not Fall into Escape Clause
  • Failure to Appear Requires Proof that Defendant Knew of Court Date at Time He Failed to Appear
  • Fines and Fees – Trial Court Did Not Err in Imposing Unitary Assessment and Criminal Fine but Did Err in Imposing County Assessments
  • Juvenile Dependency – Trial Court Did Not Err in Changing Permanency Plan
  • Attempt – Sufficient Proof of Substantial Step
  • Traffic Violation – Violation for Pedestrian “Improperly Proceeding Along a Highway” Does Not Include Pedestrians Who Are Crossing
  • Confessions – Defendant’s Confession was Inadmissible Because it was Induced by Promises and Threats
  • Conviction for Improper Use of Emergency Communication System Requires Proof that Caller Knew He Was Calling for Prohibited Purpose
  • Per Curiam – State Concedes Unlawful Search and Inventory
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Oregon Supreme Ct - April 20, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • April 21, 2017 • no comments

  • Interference with a Peace Officer – “Passive Resistance” is Noncooperation with an Officer that Does Not Involve Violence or Other Active Conduct
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Oregon Appellate Ct - April 19, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • April 21, 2017 • no comments

  • Search and Seizure – Defendant was Not Seized Under Oregon Law and Police Had Reasonable Suspicion Justifying Seizure Under Federal Law
  • Search and Seizure – Defendant Did Not Have a Privacy Interest in a BAC Test Conducted for Medical Treatment
  • Post-Conviction Relief – Relief Warranted When Trial Counsel Failed to Call Exculpatory Witness
  • Second-Degree Escape - Insufficient Proof of Escape When Defendant in Custody on Probation Violation - Courtroom was Correctional Facility for Purposes of Escape
  • Search and Seizure – Inventory of Defendant’s Bag was Lawful – Plain Error Imposing Attorney Fees
  • Per Curiam – PCR Court Did Not Err in Dismissing Petition Under ORCP 21 A(3)
  • Per Curiam – PCR Court Not Required to Respond to Petitioner’s Pro Se Claims
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Oregon Appellate Ct - April 12, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • April 14, 2017 • no comments

  • Defendant Was Not Entitled to Grand Jury Notes – Court Will Not Exercise Discretion to Correct Sentencing Error
  • Post-Conviction Relief – Petitioner Failed to Meet Burden to Show Evidence Would Be Admissible
  • Post-Conviction Relief – Successive Petition is Procedurally Barred
  • Evidence – Prior Acts Admissible to Prove Hostile Motive
  • Restitution – No Good Cause for Delaying Restitution Hearing 203 Days After Judgment
  • Evidence – Any Error in Admitting Curative Testimony was Harmless
  • Post-Conviction Relief – Remand Required on Shackling Claim – Petitioner Not Entitled to Subpoena Victim
  • Search and Seizure – Extension of Stop Justified by Reasonable Suspicion of DUII
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Oregon Appellate Ct - April 5, 2017

by: Sara Werboff • April 7, 2017 • no comments

  • No Reversible Error in Excluding Evidence of Defendant’s Character – Error in Applying Departure Factors
  • Restitution – Remand Required to Apply Ramos
  • Per Curiam – Reversal Required when No Signed Jury Waiver
  • Per Curiam – Reversing Attorney Fee Award
  • Per Curiam – Trial Court Plainly Erred in Failing to Merge Guilty Verdicts
  • Per Curiam – Reversing Sentence that Exceeded the Statutory Maximum
  • Per Curiam – Reversing “Mandatory State Amt”
  • Per Curiam – Reversing “Mandatory State Amt”
  • Per Curiam – Juvenile Dependency – Termination of Parental Rights was Proper
  • Per Curiam – Trial Court Erred in Failing to Conduct OEC 403 Balancing Required
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