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Oregon Supreme Ct - Sept 15, 2016

by: Sara Werboff • September 18, 2016 • no comments

  • First-Degree Child Neglect Does Not Include Leaving a Child Where Drugs are Possessed with Intent to Deliver
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Sept 14, 2016

by: Sara Werboff • September 16, 2016 • no comments

  • Search & Seizure - Search Warrant for All Electronic Devices was Overbroad
  • Prior Bad Acts Evidence - Johns Test Not Required for Hostile Motive Evidence'
  • Sentencing Enhancements - Defendant Entitled to MJOA on Commercial Drug Enhancement
  • Jury Instructions - Defendant Entitled to Instructions on Deadly Force and Felony Assault
  • In Camera Inspection of Records - Trial Court's Discretion to Conduct In Camera Review
  • Venue - Defendant Not Entitled to Judgment of Acquittal or Dismissal after Mills
  • Search & Seizure - Police Lacked Reasonable Suspicion to Stop Defendant - Emergency Aid Exception Unavailable
  • Termination of Parental Rights - Mother Entitled to Evidentiary Hearing on Adequacy of Counsel
  • Juvenile Dependency - Evidence Sufficient for Juvenile Court's Continuing Jurisdiction
  • Post-Conviction Relief - Dismissal of Successive or Untimely Petition
  • Restitution - Attorneys Fees - Reversing Attorney Fees but Affirming Restitution Award
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Sept 8, 2016

by: Sara Werboff • September 11, 2016 • no comments

  • Commercial Drug Offense - Text Messages Did Not Constitute Drug Transaction Records
  • Merger of Guilty Verdicts - Witness Tampering Verdicts Should Merge
  • Sufficiency of Evidence - Insufficient Evidence to Prove that Defendant Possessed Dangerous Weapon
  • Lesser Included Offense Instruction - Defendant Entitled to Attempt Instruction on Possession of Weapon and Contraband Charges
  • Sufficiency of Evidence - Evidence Sufficient for Aiding and Abetting Theory
  • Post-Conviction Relief - Petitioner Allowed to Make Record Concerning Complaints about PCR Counsel
  • Juvenile Dependency - Court Failed to Apply Proper Standard to Determine Jurisdiction of Oregon Courts
  • Appeal and Review - Revocation of Conditional Discharge Not Reviewable on Appeal
  • Sufficiency of Pleadings - Inmate's Filing Stated Claim for Conversion
  • Civil Commitment - Sufficiency of Evidence - Per Curiam
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Aug 31, 2016

by: Sara Werboff • September 2, 2016 • no comments

  • Identity Theft - "Transfer" of Personal Information Requires Giving Possession or Control to Another for Fraudulent Purposes
  • Jury Instructions - Plain Error Not to Give Jury Concurrence Instruction when State Advanced Both Principal and Aider and Abettor Theories
  • Search & Seizure - Third Party Consent was Valid - Warrantless Seizure was Unlawful
  • Revocation of Probation - Proper to Sentence Defendant to Maximum Under ORS 137.717 in Effect at Time of Original Conviction
  • Denial of Motion to Sever is Not Error when Sex Abuse Allegations are of Same or Similar Character
  • Restitution - Damages for Hit & Run Include Money Spent by Insurer for Purposes of Restitution
  • Restitution - Defendant Bears Burden of Proving that Victim Failed to Mitigate Damages
  • Jury Instructions - Failure to Instruct on State's Burden to Disprove Defense is Plain Error
  • Board of Parole - Petition for Judicial Review is Dismissed as Moot
  • Post-Conviction Relief - State's Motion for Summary Affirmance Granted
  • Judgments - DUII Conviction Fee - Per Curiam
  • Mandatory State Amount - Per Curiam
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Aug 24, 2016

by: Sara Werboff • August 26, 2016 • no comments

  • CARES Video Admissible at Trial - 403 Balancing
  • Sentencing - Upholding Mandatory Minimum Sentence for Juvenile
  • Character Evidence - Exclusion of Character Evidence Concerning Defendant's Sexual Propriety was Not Harmless Error
  • Post-Conviction - Trial Counsel's Failure to Request Jury Concurrence Instruction Grounds for PCR
  • Court-Appointed Attorney Fees - Preservation - Per Curiam
  • Civil Commitment - Insufficient Evidence that Appellant Could Not Meet Basic Needs - Per Curiam
  • Civil Commitment - Trial Court's Failure to Advise of Rights - Per Curiam
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Aug 17, 2016

by: Sara Werboff • August 19, 2016 • no comments

  • Identity Theft - Converting to One's Own Use Means Appropriating a Person's Personal Identification Without Consent of that Person
  • Probable Cause - Drugs Found in Passenger's Possession Does Not Create Probable Cause that Driver Possessed Drugs
  • Miranda Warnings - State Must Prove Spanish Miranda Warnings Were Understood
  • Exigent Circumstances - Entry Into Private Garage Lawful to Pursue Fleeing Suspect
  • Probation Revocation - Court Does Not Need to Find that Probation Violation was Willful to Revoke Probation
  • State Concedes Insufficient Evidence of Second-Degree Criminal Mischief - Per Curiam
  • Attorneys Fees - In Camera Review - Per Curiam
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Oregon Supreme Ct - August 11, 2016

by: Sara Werboff • August 11, 2016 • no comments

  • Third-Degree Escape - Definition of Custody Includes "Constructive Custody"
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Aug 10, 2016

by: Sara Werboff • August 10, 2016 • no comments

  • Vouching - PTSD Diagnosis Admissible in Sex Abuse Case
  • Post-Conviction Relief - Failure to Request Curative Instruction Possibly Strategic and Not Prejudicial
  • Probation Revocation - Trial Court Constrained By Terms of Judgment in Imposing Sentence on Revocation
  • RPO Sentence Imposed After Probation Revocation is Reviewable - Plain Error Review Not Warranted
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Aug 3, 2016

by: Sara Werboff • August 7, 2016 • no comments

  • First-Degree Criminal Mistreatment - Taking of Elderly Person's Money Does Not Include Accepting Gifts - First Impression
  • Disorderly Conduct - Physically Offensive Condition Means Creating Unpleasant Sensory Effects
  • Aggravating Sentencing Factors - Does Use of Dangerous Weapon Justify Upward Departure for Murder - Sufficiency of Trial Court's Findings
  • Search & Seizure - Silence is Not an Unequivocal Manifestation of Intent to Abandon Property
  • Search & Seizure - Scope of Consent to Patdown - Officer Safety
  • Hearsay from Confidential Informant - Opening the Door - Harmless Error
  • Post-Conviction Relief - Sufficiency of PCR Judgment Denying Claims for Relief
  • Post-Conviction Relief - Sufficiency of PCR Judgment Denying Petition as Untimely
  • Challenge to Department of Corrections Rules - Retroactivity - Vagueness - Exceeding Statutory Authority
  • Assault IV - Physical Injury - Sufficiency of Evidence - Per Curiam
  • Merger - Trial Court Can Find Sufficient Pause from Defendant's Guilty Plea to Date Range - Per Curiam
  • Jury Instructions Including Theories Not Alleged in Indictment are Erroneous - Per Curiam
  • Search & Seizure - Unlawful Extension of Stop - Per Curiam
  • Declaratory Relief - Waiver or Deferral of Filing Fees - Per Curiam
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Oregon Appellate Ct - July 27, 2016

by: Aalvarez@mpdlaw.com • July 28, 2016 • no comments

  • Vouching – Cooperation Agreement with the State
  • Plain Error – UUW and Felon in Possession of a Firearm
  • ORS 144.228(1)(c) and OAR 255-38-005(4) - “Reasonable Cause” – “Delegative Term”
  • Williams Requires 403 Balancing
  • Juvenile Dependency – Proper Standard for a Motion to Dismiss
  • Search and Seizure – Search Warrant – Theft of a UTV
  • Appeal from a Juvenile Dependency Judgment Dismissed as Moot
  • DUII – Right to Counsel During a Breath Test
  • Manslaughter – MJOA
  • Search and Seizure – Warrants – Particularity Standard As it Applies to Computers
  • Attorney’s Fees – Per Curiam Reversal
  • Civil Commitment – Per Curiam Reversal
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Oregon Supreme Ct - July 21, 2016

by: Aalvarez@mpdlaw.com • July 22, 2016 • no comments

  • ORS 164.377 - Computer Crime - "Without Authorization"
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Oregon Appellate Ct - July 20, 2016

by: Aalvarez@mpdlaw.com • July 21, 2016 • no comments

  • Mere Failure to Show Up After Being Subpoenaed – Insufficient to Make a Witness Unavailable Under the Confrontation Clause
  • Evidence of a Restraining Order – Relevant in a DUII Trial to Contradict Defendant’s Timeline
  • PCR – IAC – Erroneous Jury Instructions – Attempted Second Degree Assault
  • Article I, Section 9 – Abandonment of Containers Found in a Stolen Truck
  • Prior Uncharged Conduct – Identity Evidence – Distinctive Clothes and Weapons
  • OEC 401- Relevant Evidence – Evidence Depicting Defendant’s Version of the Attack
  • Initiating a False Report – MJOA
  • Failure to Perform the Duties of a Driver – Witness False In Part Instruction
  • Attorney's Fees - Per Curiam Reversals
  • Civil Commitments - Per Curiam Reversals
  • Waiver of Counsel - Per Curiam Reversal
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Oregon Appellate Ct - July 7, 2016

by: Amanda Alvarez Thibeault • July 7, 2016 • no comments

  • “Offer to Purchase” – ORS 260.715(9)
  • Article I, Section 8 - Freedom of Speech – ORS 260.715(9)
  • Dependency – Current Threat of Serious Loss or Injury – Ongoing Mental Health Issues
  • Prior Bad Acts – Motive – No Need for Leistiko Instruction
  • PCR – Failure to Request a Boots Instruction
  • Per Curiam Attorney’s Fees Reversal
  • Per Curiam Reversal of $60 Mandatory State Assessment
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Oregon Supeme Ct - June 30, 2016

by: Amanda Alvarez Thibeault • June 30, 2016 • no comments

  • Restitution for Stolen Goods – Must Look at Market to Which Victim Would Resort To For Replacement
  • Defendant’s Silence in Response to Statements – Adoptive Admissions
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Oregon Appellate Ct - June 29, 2016

by: Amanda Alvarez Thibeault • June 30, 2016 • no comments

  • Evidence of a Plan to Steal Marijuana and Sell It – Not Relevant as Plan or Intent Evidence in Separate Delivery Charge
  • Not A Stop – Asking for Name and Whether Person Possesses Anything Illegal
  • Prior Theft Conviction – Inadmissible to Prove Lack of Mistake and Plan
  • MJOA - Proper Remedy When Defendant Charged with IPO Based On Conduct Constituting Resisting Arrest
  • Error to Admit Other Bad Acts Without 403 Balancing
  • A Court May Not Revoke A Defendant’s Probation for A Condition Not Imposed by a Judge
  • PCR – Claim for Relief Barred Under ORS 138.510
  • Kidnapping – Secretly Confined – Hotel Room Where Defendant Threatened Victim if She Left
  • For Cause Challenge to a Juror – Not an Abuse of Discretion to Deny
  • Sentencing – Arrest Warrant With Nothing More is Not a Substantial Reason for Departure Sentence
  • Expungement of Certain Sex Crimes under ORS 137.225(8)(b)
  • Per Curiam Reversal - Attorney's Fees
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U.S. Supreme Ct - June 27, 2016

by: Amanda Alvarez Thibeault • June 27, 2016 • no comments

  • Misdemeanor Crime of Domestic Violence with a Reckless Mental State Qualifies for Federal Firearms Ban
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U.S. Supreme Ct - June 23, 2016

by: Aalvarez • June 23, 2016 • no comments

  • DUII Blood Draws Require a Warrant or Exigency
  • ACCA - State Crime Cannot Qualify as a Predicate Where Broader than Generic Crime
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Oregon Appellate Ct - June 22, 2016

by: Aalvarez • June 23, 2016 • no comments

  • PCR – IAC - Standard for Determining Prejudice
  • SPO – Entry of SPO Improper Where Respondent Has Not Received Notice
  • Failure of the Trial Court to Sua Sponte Grant a Mistrial
  • Denial of a Motion for New Trial – When Subject to Appellate Review
  • Refusal of the Trial Court to Subpoena a Juror About What Occurred in Jury Deliberations
  • Reasonable Suspicion of Drug Activity
  • Consent to Search In the Presence of An Officer’s “Threat” to Bring a Drug Dog On Scene
  • Basis for an Expert Opinion Under OEC 703 – Scientific Study – Child Sex Abuse
  • Extrinsic Evidence of Bias - Cross Examination
  • PCR - Denial of Motion for Substitute Counsel
  • Dependency – Voluntary Admission of the Bases for Jurisdiction
  • Per Curiam Civil Commitment Reversals
  • Theft by Receiving – MJOA
  • Disorderly Conduct – Free Speech - MJOA
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U.S. Supreme Ct - June 20, 2016

by: Aalvarez • June 20, 2016 • no comments

  • Evidence Discovered During an Unlawful Stop Is Admissible When the Search is the Result of an Outstanding Arrest Warrant
  • Robberies that Target Drug Dealers Sufficiently Affect Interstate Commerce to Qualify for Prosecution Under the Hobbs Act
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Oregon Supreme Ct - June 16, 2016

by: Aalvarez • June 16, 2016 • no comments

  • Testing the Blood of a Lawfully Seized Animal Does Not Violate the Oregon or Federal Constitution
  • Life Without Parole Sentences for Certain Felony Sex Offenses
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