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Oregon Supreme Ct - Dec. 3, 2015

by: Abassos • December 3, 2015 • no comments

  • Death Penalty - Atkins - Very Low IQ Is Not a Required Element of Intellectual Disability
  • Death Penalty - Atkins - There Is No Apprendi/Ring Right to Have the Jury Decide Whether the Defendant Is Intellectually Disabled
  • Death Penalty - Penalty Phase - A Defense Psychologist's Diagnosis is Relevant at the Penalty Phase, Even If the Judge Disagrees With the Diagnosis
  • Death Penalty - Penalty Phase - Co-Defendant's Life Sentence Is Relevant Mitigating Evidence
  • The Trial Court May Not Permit Detailed Cross-Examination of a Defense Witness By the Prosecutor Merely to Find Out Whether the Witness Will Assert a Right to Remain Silent
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Dec. 2, 2015

by: Abassos and Alisa Larson-Xu • December 2, 2015 • no comments

  • Menacing – Imminence - A Threat to Murder Someone in 3 Days Is Not Menacingly Near
  • Repeat Sex Offender - Comparable Out of State Offense - California Lewd Acts Law is "Comparable" to Sex Abuse I Despite Being Broader
  • Trial Procedure - Prosecutor’s Expression of Personal Beliefs During Opening and Closing Arguments Require, At Least, Curative Instructions
  • Search & Seizure – Officer Safety No Longer Applies Once The Officer's Belief of Danger Dissipates
  • Exploitation - When the Purpose of Police Misconduct Is To Procure Consent, the State Is Unlikely to Be Able to Prove There Was Not Exploitation
  • DNA Testing - Defendant Does Not Lose His Chance for Appointed Counsel by Filing His Request for Counsel and Motion for DNA Testing Simultaneously
  • Dependency –Service Defect Waived if Not Raised Early in Proceedings
  • The Former Speedy Trial Statute Still Applied Until the Time When the New Statute Went Into Effect
  • Plain Error - Discretion - Court Chooses Not to Correct aPlain Error Where Defendant Acquiesced in the Error and It Probably Didn't Make a Difference in the Outcome
  • Plain Error - UUV - A Reasonable Dispute Exists On the Question of Whether Defendant Has Consent If Co-Owners Give Conflicting Answers to a Request to Use the Vehicle
  • Appellate Procedure - When the Appellate Court Finds That Restitution Is Not Available, Remand for Resentencing Is the Appropriate Action
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Oregon Supreme Ct - Nov. 27, 2015

by: Abassos • November 27, 2015 • no comments

  • Rt to Be Free From Unnecessary Restraint - Stun Belts - Right to a Hearing - Capital Penalty Phase
  • Allocution in the Penalty Phase of a Capital Case Is Not Evidence But May Be Considered By the Jury
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Nov 25, 2015

by: Abassos • November 25, 2015 • no comments

  • Stalking - A Petition for a Stalking Protective Order Is Not Evidence At the Hearing On Whether to Grant the Petition for a SPO
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Nov. 18, 2015

by: Abassos and Cmaloney • November 18, 2015 • no comments

  • OEC 702 - An Expert's Testimony About a Mental Health Diagnosis is Relevant If It Explains Behavior At Issue In The Trial
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Oregon Supreme Ct - Nov. 13, 2015

by: Abassos • November 13, 2015 • no comments

  • A Finding of Separate Criminal Episodes (For Criminal History Scoring and Consecutive Sentencing) Is Not Subject To the Apprendi Rule
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Nov. 12, 2015

by: Abassos, Cmaloney and Alisa Larson-Xu • November 12, 2015 • no comments

  • Re-Sentencing – The Presumption of Vindictiveness Only Applies When the Resentencing Is Greater Than the Original Sentence
  • Robbery-II – Other Person Actually Present and Aiding the Theft Does Not Need to Be Aware of the Theft
  • Vouching - The State Cannot Ask Defendant Whether the State’s Witnesses Were Lying
  • Search & Seizure – Unlawful Extension - A Blow Torch and Association with Suspected Drug User Not RS of PCS
  • Theft by Receiving Requires a Belief That the Property Is Stolen
  • Impeachment – Failure to Appear II Is Admissible for Impeachment Under OEC 609(1)
  • Sentencing – A Criminal History Score Cannot Be Reconstituted by Convictions Arising From the Same Criminal Episode
  • Expert Testimony – An Expert May Testify About Personality Traits Independent of a Diagnosis of Personality Disorder
  • Admission of a Party Opponent – The Declarant of a Statement Can Be Inferred From Circumstantial Evidence
  • ECSA - Sexually Explicit Conduct – A Photo Can Be a "Lewd Exhibition" Even Though the Subject is Wearing a Shirt and Shorts*
  • Contempt of Court – A Person Cannot Be Convicted of Contempt Because It Is Not a Crime
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Nov. 4, 2015

by: Abassos, Cmaloney and Alisa Larson-Xu • November 9, 2015 • no comments

  • Sentencing – Criminal Episodes - Multiple Agg Thefts Stemming From a Single False Claim of Benefits Is Probably a Single Criminal Episode
  • Severance of Charges - A Challenge to Improper Joinder Does Not Require a Showing of Prejudice
  • Search & Seizure - Search Incident to Arrest – A Strip Search is Unreasonable in Scope and Intensity
  • Search & Seizure - Automobile Exception – Allows Search of a Passenger’s Backpack That Was In the Vehicle When PC Arose
  • Preservation - Vouching - After a Party Properly Objects to Vouching No Further Objection Is Required to Preserve the Error for Appeal
  • Dependency – Continued Alcohol Use For Single Father Sufficient to Endanger Welfare of Children
  • PCR – A Judgment Doesn't Clearly State the Basis for the Court's Decision By Incorporating the Arguments From the State's Trial Memorandum
  • PCR – When the PCR Court Does Not Provide a Process for Reviewing the Judgment, Objections to the Form of the Judgment Do Not Need to Be Preserved
  • PCR – When the Court Provides a Process for the Parties to Object to the Judgment, Preservation Requirements Will Not Be Excused
  • DNA Testing – Defendant Must Show How Testing Would Alter Jury’s Original Assessment of Reasonable Doubt
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Oct. 28, 2015

by: Abassos, Alisa Larson-Xu and Cmaloney • November 1, 2015 • no comments

  • Unlawful Use of a Weapon – "Use" Includes Using a Weapon to Threaten Immediate Harm
  • Reasonable Suspicion – Parking on a Gravel Pull Out Off Of a Public Road Does Not Provide Reasonable Suspicion of Trespass
  • Fines and Fees – Ability to Pay - Unlike Attorney Fees, a Compensatory Fine is Not Susceptible to Plain Error Review When There's No Evidence of Ability to Pay
  • Expungement – Interests of Justice - Court Must Grant Expungement When Petitioner is Eligible and State Presents No Evidence
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Oct. 21, 2015

by: Abassos, Cmaloney and Alisa Larson-Xu • October 21, 2015 • no comments

  • Exigency - Urine Test for Drug DUII – Test is Whether Warrant Would Be Significantly Faster Than What Officer Actually Did
  • Dependency - TPR – A Parent's Rights May Not Be Terminated for Failing to Appear Where There Was Insufficient Notice of Hearing
  • Dependency Jurisdiction – A Wardship Can’t Continue If the Factual Bases for Jurisdiction Have Ceased to Exist
  • Preservation - PCR – Dismissal For Failure to Prosecute
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Oct. 14, 2015

by: Abassos, Alarson and Cmaloney • October 14, 2015 • no comments

  • Encouraging Child Sex Abuse II - Sexually Suggestive Nature of Photos Sufficient to Prove Intent to Arouse
  • Endangering the Welfare of a Minor – Evidence Must Be Presented that a Minor Was Present During the Unlawful Drug Activity
  • Reasonable Suspicion - PCS - Defendant Nervous, On Probation, Furtive Movements, On Probation
  • Probable Cause – PCS - Saying “Hide That” While Furtively Gesturing Is Not PC
  • Attorney fees – The State Has the Burden to Prove Ability to Pay
  • For Parole purposes, a Vulnerable Victim Need Only Be Vulnerable - The Vulnerability Need Not Have Been Exploited
  • Preservation - Post-Conviction Relief - Requesting Remand for a New Trial Does Not Preserve the Remedy of a Delayed Direct Appeal
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Oregon Supreme Ct - Oct. 8, 2015

by: Abassos • October 8, 2015 • no comments

  • Free Exercise of Religion - The Constitution Allows For A Criminal Conviction On Less Than a Knowing Mental State, Even Where the Criminal Conduct Was Motivated By Religious Belief
  • A Trial Court Has The Power To Issue a Sell Order for Involuntary Medication, Even Where The State Hospital Believes That the Person Doesn't Have a Disorder and Does Not Need To Be Medicated
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Oct. 7, 2015

by: Abassos, Cmaloney and Alarson • October 7, 2015 • no comments

  • Miranda Warnings May Be Required When Police Use Probable Cause to Confront a Suspect
  • Financial Assessments Must Be Based in Statutory Authority
  • Venue - Challenges to Venue Must Be Made in a Pretrial Motion, Not in a MJOA
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Sept. 30, 2015

by: Abassos, Alarson and Cmaloney • September 30, 2015 • no comments

  • Automobile exception – A Recently Parked Vehicle Is Not "Mobile", Even If The Police Had Information for a Non-Criminal Stop While the Vehicle Was Moving
  • Character Evidence – Gang Imagery Pulled From the Internet Admissible for Motive Because State v Williams and 404(4)
  • Kidnapping – Intent to Interfere With Liberty - Dragging Victim to A Porta-Potty For Sexual Assault Was Not Merely Incidental to Assault
  • Interfering With a Peace Officer With Regard to Another Person – “Another Person” Means a Person, Not the Public
  • Waiving a Jury - The State Does Not Have a Right to Present Its Case in The Manner of Its Choosing
  • Eyewitness ID – Admissibility Per Lawson/James Requires 401 Relevance, 602 Personal Knowledge & 701 Foundation for Lay Opinion
  • OEC 403 – A Defendant's In-Court Statement That "I Should Have Just Killed the Bitch" Is Relevant to Contradict a Defense of Mistaken Identification
  • Stops – A Strong Odor of Marijuana Supports Reasonable Suspicion to Stop For Criminal Possession
  • Search Incident to Arrest – An Intrusion Into a Person's Clothes Requires Something More Than a Reasonable Concern for Officer Safety
  • Double Jeopardy – To Bar a Retrial, A Prosecutor Must Know Her Conduct Is Improper and Be At Least Indifferent to a Mistrial
  • Restitution – The Court Can't Make Up a Number Out of Thin Air
  • Sentencing – The 400% Rule Applies to the Determinate Portion of a Dangerous Offender Sentence
  • Dependency Jurisdiction – Joint Custody and One Unfit Parent Does Not Alone Create a Basis for Jurisdiction
  • Appellate Procedure - The Appellate Court May Use the Record to Interpret An Ambiguous Trial Court Order Susceptible to a Clerical Error
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Sept. 23rd, 2015

by: Abassos, Alarson and Cmaloney • September 23, 2015 • no comments

  • Search and Seizure - Attenuation - Bringing in A Second Officer Uninvolved in the Illegalities Does Not Itself Attenuate Evidence From a Prior Illegality
  • Attorney Fees – State Must Present Evidence on Defendant’s Ability to Pay
  • PCR - Escape Clause Requires Evidence to Support It
  • No Appellate Review of Plain Error Where Defendant Could have Easily Remedied the Error by Telling the Court
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Oregon Supreme Ct - Sept. 17, 2015

by: Abassos and Alarson • September 17, 2015 • no comments

Unlawful Possession of a Firearm

(1) The Element "Within Any Vehicle" Applies Both to the Accused and to the Firearm, Both of Whom Must Have Been Within the Vehicle
(2) A Person is Within a Vehicle if Any Portion of the Person’s Body Enters the Vehicle
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Sept. 16, 2015

by: Abassos, Alarson and Cmaloney • September 16, 2015 • no comments

  • Animal Neglect – Caring for and Exercising Power over Animals Constitutes “Control”
  • Third-Degree Assault – “Extreme Indifference” Established by Intoxicated Driving Combined With Other Evidence of Defendant's Conduct
  • Impossibility of Getting a Permit Is Irrelevant to Charge of Unlawful Water Pollution
  • Confession - Compelling Circumstances - 3 hours of Polygraph Questions and Accusatory Non-Custodial Interrogation Is Compelling
  • Confession -Voluntariness - No Threats, Promises or Inducements
  • Restitution May Not Be Imposed In a Criminal Case Where It Results From Conduct During the Pendency of the Case
  • Proportionality - A Life Sentence For a Third Sexual Touching of a Child is Not Constitutionally Disproportionate For a 71-Year-Old Defendant With 100 Uncharged Victims
  • TPR – “Changed Circumstances” Is not a Valid Reason to Set Aside a TPR Judgment
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Oregon Supreme Court - Sept. 11, 2015

by: Abassos • September 11, 2015 • no comments

  • Jury Concurrence - Concurrence is Required Where Evidence of Multiple Occurrences of a Single Crime Involving the Same Parties is Nonspecific and Undifferentiated
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Sept. 10, 2015

by: Abassos, Alarson and Cmaloney • September 10, 2015 • no comments

  • Probable Cause – Driving 32MPH in a 35MPH Zone at Night Is Not PC of Driving Too Slow In Left Lane
  • Other Bad Acts Evidence – 403 Balancing Required for 404(4) Evidence
  • Probable Cause - Traffic Violation - Probable Cause of a Violation May Exist Even If the Violation Never Occurred
  • Merger – A "Sufficient Pause" Occurs Only Through Defendant’s Conduct, Not the Conduct of Others
  • Plain Error Review - The Error Assigned Must Not Reasonably Be In Dispute
  • PCR - Preservation
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Sept. 2, 2015

by: Abassos, Cmaloney and Alarson • September 3, 2015 • no comments

  • Plea Agreements – A Judge Cannot Reject a Plea Agreement Based Solely On a Court Policy
  • Jury Instructions – Unlawful Possession of Firearm – An Instruction That a ‘Firearm Carried in a Holster is Not Concealed’ is Required Where Defendant Presents Such Evidence
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