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Oregon Appellate Ct - Mar. 25, 2015

by: Abassos and Frangieringer • March 25, 2015 • no comments

  • DUII - Exigent Circumstances to Enter a Home - State Must Show That Evidence Would Have Been Completely Lost (Not Just Diminished) - For a DUII That Means Five Hours, 20 Minutes
  • DUII - Scientific Evidence - Testimony That a Breath Test Within Two Hours of Driving Is Very Unlikely to Overestimate BAC
  • Stop Extension - An Unavoidable Lull Can Occur During a Lawfully Expanded Stop
  • Miranda – Knowing and Voluntary Waiver When No Indication of Mental Health Impairment
  • Right to Silence Does not Extend to Not Responding to Text Messages
  • Hearsay – Arguing Inferences From Not Responding to Text Messages is Not Hearsay
  • Robbery – Failing to Pay Cab Fare is Not a Taking of Property
  • Dependency – Pattern of Instability Sufficient to Deprive Parental Rights
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Oregon Supreme Ct - Mar. 19, 2015

by: Abassos and Margaret Laffan • March 19, 2015 • no comments

  • OEC 404(4) Expressly Supersedes OEC 404(3): Other Bad Acts Are Admissible to Prove Propensity in a Child Sex Case
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Mar. 18, 2015

by: Abassos and Frangieringer • March 18, 2015 • no comments

  • Mistrial – Prosecutor May Not Comment on an Unadmitted Video During Closing
  • Mistrial - A Prosecutor Must Intend to Cause a Mistrial For Prosecutorial Misconduct to Bar Retrial
  • Prosecutorial Misconduct - Prosecutor Is Not Allowed to Cause the Loss of a Defense Witness, Regardless of Intent
  • Police Interrogation – Art. I § 12 Permits an Officer to Say That a Quick Confession Will Make Defendant Appear Better in Court
  • Interrogation – Harmless Error to Admit Polygraph Statements if Other, Similar Inculpatory Statements Given
  • Incapacity to Consent to Sex Can Be Caused By Severe Mental Illness
  • Automobile Exception Does Not Apply Unless Officers See the Vehicle Moving
  • UUV Requires a Mental State of Knowledge, Not Negligence
  • Best Evidence Rule Does Not Apply to Observations of a Live Video Feed
  • Miranda – Transportation to Detox is Not A Compelling Circumstance
  • Confrontation – Video of Witness Interview Admissible Where Witness Also Testified
  • Probable Cause – Dumping a Backpack is a Furtive Gesture
  • Escape II – Flight From Arrest for a Post-Prison Supervision Sanction Is Not Escape II
  • UUV – Honest Claim of Right is Not a Defense
  • Accomplice Liability – Natural and Probable Consequences Is Not the Law
  • Probation – Prohibiting a Probationer From Being in Areas Where Hunting Might Occur is Overbroad
  • Dependency – Jurisdiction - Spouse Being a Sex-Offender, By Itself, Is Speculative As to Harm to Children
  • Appellate Procedure - An Error is Not Plain if Consistent With Defense Strategy
  • Preservation – Must Specify Rulings for Appeal, No Matter How Many Motions Filed
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Oregon Supreme Ct. - Mar. 12, 2015

by: Frangieringer and Abassos • March 12, 2015 • no comments

  • Criminal Mischief – Wild Deer Are the Property of Another
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Oregon Appellate Ct. - Mar. 11, 2015

by: Frangieringer and Abassos • March 11, 2015 • no comments

  • OEC 412 Evidence of Past Sexual Behavior Is Only Admissible if Circumstances Are Similar
  • Vouching - An Expert's Testimony That Complainant's Statements, If True, Indicate Grooming is Not Vouching
  • Identity Theft – Possession of Stolen Identification Documents From Multiple People is Sufficient to Infer Intent to Deceive or Defraud
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Oregon Supreme Ct. - Mar. 5, 2015

by: Frangieringer and Abassos • March 5, 2015 • no comments

  • Appellate Jurisdiction – State Can’t Appeal Misdemeanor Convictions, Nix Vacated
  • Search & Seizure – Dissipation of Controlled Substance is an Exigent Circumstance
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Oregon Appellate Ct. - Mar. 4, 2015

by: Frangieringer and Abassos • March 4, 2015 • no comments

  • Qualifying Experts – Pharmacologist Can Testify About Effects of Drugs on Mental State
  • Dependency Hearing – Parents Must Raise IAC Claims During the Permanency Hearing
  • Reasonable Suspicion – Seeing Burning Embers Without More Is Not Enough to Stop
  • Appellate Jurisdiction – Failing to Waive Fees in Diversion Not Grounds for Appeal
  • Search & Seizure - Facts That Have Innocent Explanation Can Still Give Rise to Reasonable Suspicion
  • Sex Offender Reporting – Duty to Report Requires More than an Offender Leaving Former Residence
  • Accomplice Testimony – Evidence Readily Corroborating Testimony, Enough to Convict Defendant
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Oregon Appellate Ct. - Feb. 25, 2015

by: Frangieringer and Abassos • February 25, 2015 • no comments

  • Search & Seizure – Harmless Error Where Evidence Did Not Alter Verdict
  • Jury Instructions – Requested Instructions Must be Tied to the Evidence
  • Bias – Crossing Complainant on Intent to Apply for U Visa Goes to Bias
  • PCR – Attachments to Petition Do Not Need to Prove the Truth of Petitioner’s Allegations
  • IAC – Lawyer’s Don’t Have to Advance a Rule That Has Yet to be Promulgated
  • Vouching – Lupoli Does Not Encompass Out-of-Court Statements on Credibility
  • Criminal Mistreatment I – Mere Exposure to a Hostile Dog is Not Assaultive Conduct
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Oregon Appellate Ct. - Feb. 19, 2015

by: Frangieringer and Abassos • February 19, 2015 • no comments

  • Search & Seizure – Reciprocal Relationship Between Flagrancy of Officer Misconduct and Officer’s Control Over Defendant’s Movements
  • SPO – Need to Present Evidence of Harm Feared, Otherwise No Basis to Determine Whether Fear is Reasonable.
  • Probation Revocation – A Sanction is Not A Sentence
  • UUV & PSV – Jiggle Keys and Implausible Story not Sufficient to Withstand MJOA Where Defendant is Otherwise Driving Vehicle Normally
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Oregon Appellate Ct. - Feb. 11, 2015

by: Frangieringer and Abassos • February 11, 2015 • no comments

  • Search & Seizure – No Expectation of Privacy in Structure Erected on Sidewalks
  • Restitution – Goods Stolen From Retail Space are Valued at Retail Prices
  • Indictment – Move to Elect What Conduct the State Wants to Prove at Trial in Generalized Indictment
  • Unavailability of a Witness – Statements Admissible When State Acts in Good Faith to Secure Presence
  • Confrontation – Admission is Harmless if Statement is Repetitive of Non-Testimonial Statement
  • Single Subject Rule – BM 73 Meets Single Subject Rule of Oregon Constitution
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Oregon Appellate Ct. - Feb. 4, 2015

by: Frangieringer and Abassos • February 4, 2015 • no comments

  • Initiating a False Report – Applies to a Person Who Knowingly Causes Another to Transmit Report
  • Expungement - An Expunged Out-of-State Conviction is Not a Conviction
  • Expungement - A Second Public Indecency is Not Eligible
  • The Parole Board Has Authority to Revisit It's Rulings
  • DUII Diversion Fees - Failure to Consider Ability to Pay is Not Appealable
  • IAC – Preponderance Standard to Prove Prejudice Where Guilty Plea in Trial Court
  • IAC – 20 Years Not Disproportionate for Firing into Car Full of Passengers
  • Scientific Testimony – SCEA is a Valid Scientific Instrument
  • Imposition of Fees – It is Not Plain Error, Where Court is Required to Consider Ability to Pay, to Make No Findings on the Matter
  • Computer Crime – Limited Access as Part of Employment is Not Authorized General Access
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Oregon Appellate Cases - Jan. 28, 2015

by: Abassos and Frangieringer • January 28, 2015 • no comments

  • Confrontation - A Notice of License Suspension Form is Not Testimonial
  • Aid and Abet - Presence at Planning and Commission of Crime is Not Enough
  • Exploitation - Forceful Control Over Defendant Can Be Enough
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Jan 22, 2015

by: Abassos and Frangieringer • January 22, 2015 • no comments

  • Theft I - Merger - ORS 164.055(1) Lists Ways to Elevate to Theft I, Not Separate Statutory Provisions
  • Statute of Limitations - Facts Relied on to Toll the SOL Must Be Alleged in the Charging Instrument
  • Criminal Mischief III - Tamper Requires an Adverse Effect to the Property
  • Best Evidence Rule - Testimony About a Video in Lieu of the Actual Video is Inadmissible
  • Juvenile Waiver to Adult Court for 12 to 14 Year Olds Requires Only an Understanding of One's Physical Actions and the Criminality or Wrongness of the Actions
  • Vouching - Explanation of How Children Typically Describe Their Bodies
  • Evidence – Retrograde Extrapolation is Still Scientific Evidence
  • Commitment – Appropriate to Deny Conditional Release Where Petitioner Maintains Suicidal Ideation
  • Traffic Stop – Can’t Stop Defendant for Stopping in an Intersection when Defendant is Not in an Intersection
  • Parole Consideration Hearings - No Right to Subpoena
  • Securities Fraud - MJOA - Investment Contract - Common Enterprise - Horizontal Commonality
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Oregon Supreme Ct. - Jan. 15, 2015

by: Frangieringer and Abassos • January 15, 2015 • no comments

  • The Oregon Constitution Does Not Require a Ten Person Jury in Misdemeanor Cases
  • PCR - IAC – Failing To Request a Lesser Offense Jury Instruction is Not Always Deficient
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Jan. 7, 2015

by: Abassos, Frangieringer and Gina Anzaldua • January 7, 2015 • no comments

  • Automobile Exception - Approaching One's Car Does Not Make it Mobile
  • UUV – Probable Cause - Arrested while driving stolen car
  • UUV - Probable Cause - Proximity to stolen car
  • Restitution – Defendant Liable for All Jewelry He Stole Even Though He Only Plead Guilty to a Single Necklace
  • Dependency Jurisdiction - Current Threat of Harm - Speculative Threats Are Not Enough
  • PCR - IAC - Failure to Object to the Reasonable and Probable Consequences Instruction on Accomplice Liability
  • PCR - Summary Judgment - No Difference in Result
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Dec. 31, 2014

by: Abassos, Frangieringer and Nicholas Rischiotto • January 2, 2015 • no comments

  • Adding the Word “weapon” To the Phrase "by means of a dangerous" is not a Substantive Amendment of an Indictment
  • A Traffic Stop Occurs When Officers Unambiguously Convey That There Was A Traffic Violation
  • 75 Months is Not Disproportionate for Sex Abuse I Where There Are Multiple Incidents, Skin-to-Skin Contact, and a Familial Relationship
  • Evidentiary Foundation for Opinion of Truthfulness
  • There Are No Constitutional Grounds for Appeal Under ORS 138.050(1)(a)
  • DOC Rules Allowing the Taking of Restitution for Major Violations are Facially Constitutional
  • Merger - Felon in Possession - Constructive Possession is Continuing Possession
  • Felony DUII - 90 Day Minimum is Mandatory
  • Involuntary Absence Is Not a Forfeiture of 6th Am. Rights
  • Speedy Trial – 21.5 Months is Reasonable Delay in DUII and Assault 3 Case
  • Probation Revocation – Cannot Impose More Jail Time Than Original Suspended Sentence
  • Dependency - Jurisdiction - DHS is Stuck with Grounds Alleged in the Petition
  • Motion for Continuance Should Have Been Granted Where Defendant Was Required to Be in 2 Courts at the Same Time
  • PCR - IAC - Agg Murder - Requesting a Competency Hearing
  • PCR - IAC - Failure to Present an Expert in an Intoxication Defense
  • PCR - IAC - Agg Murder - Failure to Prepare and Present at the Penalty Phase
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Oregon Supreme Ct. - Dec. 26, 2014

by: Frangieringer and Abassos • December 26, 2014 • no comments

  • Miranda – Courts Cannot Look to Evidence after Invocation to Determine If Invocation was Equivocal
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Oregon Appellate Ct - Dec. 24, 2014

by: Abassos and Frangieringer • December 24, 2014 • no comments

  • Restitution - Not Limited By Civil Rules
  • DUII Breath Test - Right to Counsel Before Test - Officer Must Be Out of Earshot When Attorney Call is Made
  • FAPA Restraining Order Violation - A Contact By Court Document Can Still Be a Contact
  • Ct Appointed Atty Fees Require a Finding of Ability to Pay
  • PCR - IAC - Advice to Plea to Agg Murder With Death On the Table is Not Necessarily Ineffective
  • Invited Error - Attorney Fees
  • Stops – Fourth Amendment Extension – Passengers
  • Preservation of Error – Disagreeing with Case Law Not Sufficient to Preserve Error
  • Civil Commitment – Where Serious Disability, COA Looks Beyond Concession of Error
  • Dependency – Continuing Jurisdiction Cannot be Based on Past Parental Behavior Without Evidence of Future Harm
  • SPO – General Fear of Harm Following Reception of Benign Letters Not Sufficient for SPO
  • Burglary – Exceeding an Implied License to Use Property is a Trespass
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Oregon Appellate Ct. - Dec. 17, 2014

by: Frangieringer and Abassos • December 17, 2014 • no comments

  • SPO – Imminent Threat Doesn’t Have To Be Immediate, Just “Ready To Take Place”
  • 1st Degree Disorderly Conduct – Commenting on an Online Post is Not Circulating a Report
  • Civil Commitment – Health Threat Must Implicate a Person’s Ability to Survive
  • Sentencing – Consecutive Sentences Where Damage Shows Willingness to Commit Another Offense
  • Vouching – No Duty for Courts Sua Sponte to Preclude Testimony on Rates of Truthful Reporting
  • Per Curiam: Violating A Stalking Protective Order – Prejudice to Admit Complainant’s SPO Petition
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U.S. Supreme Ct. - Dec. 15, 2014

by: Frangieringer and Abassos • December 15, 2014 • no comments

  • Mistake of Law – A Reasonable, But Wrong, Interpretation of an Ambiguous Statue Does Not Void a Stop under the Fourth Amendment
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