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Oregon Court of Appeals 09-29-10

by: Abassos • September 28, 2010 • no comments

Read the full article for details about the following new cases:

  • PCR - Late Filing Escape Clause
  • Search - Mere Inquiry
  • Merger - Forgery
  • Speedy Trial
  • Sentencing on Remand
  • Search - Automobile Exception
  • Lesser Includeds - Violations
  • Search and Seizure - Consent to Search
  • Search Warrant - Surgical Procedure
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Oregon Court of Appeals 09-22-10

by: Abassos • September 21, 2010 • no comments

Read the full article for details about the following new cases:

  • Stalking Order Violation - Oregon Free Speech
  • Search and Seizure - Random Searches of DMV Records
  • Amending an Indictment - Subcategory Facts
  • Search and Seizure - Emergency Aid Doctrine
  • Theft - Evidence of Value
  • Search and Seizure - Attenuation
  • PCR - Ag Murder Penalty Phase
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OR Supreme Court

by: Abassos • September 20, 2010 • no comments

The Oregon Supreme Court recently granted review on a few interesting criminal cases involving preservation, forcible compulsion and pretext communications.

State v. Walker was the terrible preservation case from a few months ago where the attorney correctly argued that the search was beyond the scope of the warrant but didn't argue the right subtype of "beyond the scope". The issue, as stated by the S.Ct.:

(1) When a litigant cites to state and federal constitutional provisions in support of an argument, but fails to detail how a state constitutional analysis compels a different result than a federal constitutional analysis, is that argument rendered unpreserved for appellate review?

(2) When a trial court asks trial counsel to respond to an issue in writing,does counsel's failure to relitigate arguments not requested by the trial court indicate anabandonment of those arguments?

Walker will also review the more substantive issue of whether a search warrant for a house authorizes the search of a purse on a person who just happens to be at the house.

State v. Marshall will address the definition of forcible compulsion for Sex Abuse I. Does it mean more than non-consensual contact? Does it mean physical force? The appellate court found that it means "to exercise physical strength or power that causes the person to act or to submit to being acted upon against the person's will. Victim resistance is not required." In the totality of the circumstances, a jury could have found such force where 27 year old defendant went into 14 year old defendant's bedroom at night, crawled on top of her, put her hand down his pants while she kept telling him no and pushing him away.

In State v. Davis, police got the victim to ask defendant specific questions at their direction before he was charged but after he was represented and had asserted his right to remain silent. Defendant was not in custody, hadn't yet been charged and didn't know he was talking to a police agent. Because the defendant wasn't in compelling circumstances, Miranda doesn't apply. The issue for the court is:

Whether the Oregon Constitution guarantees a freestanding "right to remain silent" apart from Oregon's Miranda protections (which apply only when an individual is in custody or in other compelling circumstances).

Oregon Supreme Court 09-16-10

by: Abassos • September 15, 2010 • no comments

Read the full article for details about the following new cases: Possession with Intent to Deliver - Jury Instruction - Permissible vs Mandatory Inference

Interesting concurring opinion from J. Kistler today on a per curiam denial of review. Kistler writes separately to point out that the following instruction violates the Due Process clause:

Under Oregon law, possession with intent to deliver constitutes delivery, even where no actual transfer is shown. An attempted transfer occurs when a person intentionally engages in conduct which constitutes a substantial step and includes, but [is] not limited to, possession of a large amount of a controlled substance, not for personal use, but consistent, instead, with trafficking in controlled substances.

That second sentence changes a permissible inference into a mandatory one.

To be sure, if a jury finds that a defendant possessed a larger amount of a controlled substance than a person ordinarily would possess for personal use, then the jury may but is not required to infer that the defendant possessed the controlled substance with the intent to sell or transfer it . . . The strength of the inference varies with the amount of the controlled substance possessed. When the amount of a controlled substance that a defendant possesses is only slightly more than a person ordinarily would possess for personal use, other evidence of the defendant's intent may be necessary to permit a reasonable juror to infer that the defendant possessed the substance with intent to deliver. Conversely, when a person possesses a substantially larger amount of a controlled substance than ordinarily would be possessed for personal use, no other evidence may be necessary to permit a reasonable juror to infer that the defendant possessed the substance with intent to deliver.

Unfortunately the issue wasn't preserved so it doesn't do the client any good. But the rest of us have been forewarned by a Supreme Court Justice. Don't let the DA or the trial judge convert an allowable inference into one that is required by the court. And, for gods sakes, object to this particular instruction, running rampant through the state, on Due Process grounds. State v. Schwab

As an aside, these preservation arguments are absurd (and downright Kafkaesque for the clients. )

According to Kistler, trial counsel argued that the instruction failed to require indicia of trafficking other than possession.

That was the wrong argument because, theoretically, possession of a ginormous amount of drugs might alone indicate trafficking.

The correct argument was that the instruction made a permissible inference into a mandatory one.

But, of course, that is what the trial attorney was saying, just not in those exact words. The instruction is like a big arrow from possession of more than normal user amounts to trafficking without requiring actual indicia of trafficking. Sure, if you have 22 pounds of cocaine it is, in of itself, indicia of trafficking. But that wasn't the case here, where the dude had a couple ounces of pot. So the instruction was wrong for this case precisely because it failed to require indicia of trafficking other than possession. It told the jury to jump directly from possession to trafficking.

It's incredibly frustrating for attorneys. But think of the client in this case. I'm sorry, the jury was wrongly instructed in a way that violated your basic Constitutional rights. In fact, the verdict may very well have been wrongly decided based on that unconstitutional instruction. And your lawyer objected to that instruction at the right time and in the correct procedural way. But, your attorney didn't say quite the right words. So that's it, then. Good luck with your life.

Oregon Court of Appeals 09-15-10

by: Abassos • September 14, 2010 • no comments

Read the full article for details about the following new cases:

  • Dependency - Intent to Abandon - Location of Psychosexual Evaluation

No criminal cases from the Court of Appeals today. One dependency case though:

There are two primary issues. First, when father moved to Hawaii, did it establish the intent to abandon his child. Father argued:

"[t]he mere fact that mother and father moved to Hawaii in July 2009 fails to prove that father 'abandoned' [Z]. * * * [The] record reflects that mother and father were living together in Hawaii * * *, that mother contacted [Z] to inform him of their move, that mother continued to attempt to contact [Z], and that [Z] refused that contact. Even if father did not himself attempt to contact [Z] after the family moved, that circumstance existed only for the three months preceding the jurisdictional trial. Those circumstances fail to support the inference that father gave up his rights to [Z] with the intent of never reasserting them."

To which the court says:

We emphatically disagree. It is exactly father's move to another state and failure even to attempt to contact Z, immediately following a 10-year period of complete lack of contact, that directly supports the inference that father intended to relinquish his parental rights.

The second issue is whether the judge could order that father do a psychosexual evaluation and counseling in Oregon, rather than by phone from Hawaii. The court doesn't think much of the argument:

the court's order that father return to Oregon for therapy and treatment is also rationally related to the reasons why the court took jurisdiction. Z has suffered because he feels abandoned by his family, and the court took jurisdiction because it found father fled the state and abandoned Z. By requiring father to return to the state and to begin building a relationship with Z, the court was requiring father to be an active presence in Z's life in order to remedy one of the reasons why the court took jurisdiction in the first place.

State v. R.H.

Oregon Supreme Court 09-10-10

by: Abassos • September 9, 2010 • no comments

Read the full article for details about the following new cases:

  • Resentencing After Appeal May Be Harsher

Bad case today changing the law on whether a defendant's sentence can be harsher when it comes back after a successful appeal. The trial court is now allowed to give a harsher sentence after a successful appeal, if the court can articulate objective reasons for the harsher sentence unrelated to vindictiveness for appealing and unknown by the initial sentencing judge. The prior Supreme Court case of State v. Turner is overruled because "the Turner rationale has been overtaken by the passage of time and by legislation." In this case, the defendant was convicted of a bunch of sex abuse charges and sentenced to 420 months in prison. When it came back on appeal, the judge discharged the counts with the appellate issue and sentenced him to 600 months on different set of counts. Remanded so the court can articulate reasons for the greater sentence. State v. Partain

Oregon Court of Appeals 09-01-10

by: Abassos • August 31, 2010 • no comments

Read the full article for details about the following new cases:

  • Restitution - Definition of Victim
  • Lab Reports - Confrontation Clause Objection Required
  • Probation Revocation - Failure to Pay Restitution
  • Stop - Extension
  • Dependendency - ICWA Jurisdictional Findings

Restitution - Definition of Victim

The estate of a victim is not a person entitled to restitution. Thus where, as here, the victim dies before the restitution hearing, the court is not allowed to impose restitution. An estate is neither a person nor a victim because ORS 137.106 limits the definition of person to human beings, corporations, unincorporated associations and government entities.

Per Ryan, this case might have a bigger impact than restitution:

The section I like most is as follows: "As we have noted, on its face, the statute defines the term "person" as one of four entities. An estate of a decedent does not qualify as any of those four. Under Oregon law, an estate consists of "the real and personal property of a decedent," ORS 111.005(15), and as a "decedent's property subject to administration in Oregon." ORS 114.505(3). As the state correctly concedes, the property of a decedent is not a human being; nor is it a public or private corporation, an unincorporated association, or a government entity." How might this impact ID Theft? In the ongoing debate of whether ID Theft has a named victim, the argument the state likes the most is that "sometimes" there is a victim, depending on the facts of the case. (I think this is wrong, but in the right case, it's a helpful position for the state to take.) So, if one of the facts is that the person whose identity was taken is "imaginary," then that person isn't a victim. If many of the stolen identities were of imaginary people, the counts often would merge. The grey area has been whether the person whose identity is stolen is "dead," which is listed, just like "imaginary," as a possibility. I don't think a dead person can be a victim, if dead before the crime began. Some people have taken issue with me on this. They say, "then it's the person's estate." I think today's opinion would require the courts to hold otherwise. "An estate of a decedent" is not a victim. Keep in mind that the burden is on the state to prove the people who have their identity stolen are both real and living. Often, the prosecution won't do that, especially in a case involving possession of dozens of fake IDs. At a minimum, if they aren't shown to be both real and living, you have a great shot at merging all of those counts into a single conviction.

State v. Patton

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Oregon Supreme Court today

by: Abassos • August 25, 2010 • no comments

One case today: an attorney, acting pro se, is entitled to reasonable attorney fees if he or she prevails in a suit seeking disclosure of public records. The state argued that the attorney fees provision only applies if a person actually hires an attorney. Colby v. Gunson.

Oregon Court of Appeals 08-25-10

by: Abassos • August 24, 2010 • no comments

Read the full article for details about the following new cases:

  • Post Prison Supervision - PPS doesn't start during Incarceration
  • Search Warrant Affidavit - Corroboration of Informant
  • False Information to a Police Officer - Mental State
  • Requested Jury Instructions - Modify them to fit your Case
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Oregon Supreme Court 08-19-10

by: Abassos • August 18, 2010 • no comments

Read the full article for details about the following new cases:

  • Criminal Mistreatment - Messy House Cases Overturned

The Supreme Court has restored sanity to the prosecution of Criminal Mistreatment I:

a defendant withholds physical care from a dependent person when the defendant keeps back from the dependent person those physical services and attention that are necessary to provide for the dependent person's bodily needs.

This does not include protecting the child from every conceivable environmental danger. The cases being reversed today became colloquially known as the "messy house cases" because the State obtained convictions based on messy houses combined with, for example fire hazards or accessible, small objects that a small child could choke on. Taken at face value the State's argument would have made criminals out of most parents in the State. Fortunately, the State's argument gets slapped down based on legislative history, basic logic and, most importantly, a clear reading of the statute:

The state's interpretation is difficult to square with the statutes' texts in three respects. First, it converts the verb "withhold" into "create" or "fail to correct." Second, it converts a prohibition against withholding specific services (food, physical care, and medical attention) into a prohibition against creating any and all risks to a dependent person's health. Third, it converts a statute that prohibits a present deprivation of services or attention into one that prohibits creating a risk of future harm. To be sure, presently withholding necessary and adequate physical care can impair a child's health and safety. But it does not follow that every risk of future harm to a child's health or safety that a parent either creates or fails to correct constitutes withholding physical care. The former set of risks is far broader than the latter, but the statutory prohibition extends only to the latter set (or subset) of risks.

State v. Baker-Krofft, State v. McCants/Walker

Oregon Court of Appeals 08-18-10

by: Abassos • August 17, 2010 • no comments

Read the full article for details about the following new cases:

  • Dismissal with Prejudice - Use as a Sanction
  • Merger - Stalking Protective Order
  • Stalking - MJOA
  • Johns Evidence - Uncharged Misconduct
  • Dependency - Finding of Jurisdiction
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Oregon Supreme Court 08-12-10

by: Abassos • August 11, 2010 • no comments

Read the full article for details about the following new cases:

  • Stop - Post-Miranda search still a product of the bad stop

When Miranda warnings follow a bad stop, the evidence found after Miranda isn't necessarily attenuated from the pre-Miranda stop. In other words, evidence discovered (and statements made) after Miranda warnings can still be the product of the illegal stop. Here, Defendant was a passenger in a car pulled over for violations. Because Defendant was suspiciously "over-friendly", the officer asked for his license, checked it, found nothing, and kept the license while he got Defendant out of the car, patted him down and obtained consent to search. Meth was found and Defendant was arrested and Mirandized. After Miranda, Defendant's backpack was found, consent to search given and more meth was found. The Court rules that the search of the backpack was a product of the initial illegal stop (where defendant was checked and patted down for being friendly). The fact that Miranda warnings were given is a relevant but not sufficient fact by itself to attenuate the backpack search from the illegal stop.

The State also argued that that there was no minimal factual nexus between defendant's initial seizure (when his license was taken) and his decision to consent to the backpack search because defendant wasn't going to leave the scene anyway. The Court dispenses with this argument, pointing out that the illegal seizure was ongoing at the time of the consent:

A defendant gains nothing from having a constitutional right not to be seized if the police can seize him and - by definition - use the circumstance of that seizure as a guarantee of an opportunity to ask him to further surrender his liberty.

State v. Ayles

Oregon Court of Appeals 08-11-10

by: Abassos • August 10, 2010 • no comments

Read the full article for details about the following new cases:

  • Restitution - Security Measures
  • Inventory Search - Designed to carry valuables
  • Dependency - Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Good Cause
  • Stop - Right for the Wrong Reasons
  • Civil Commitment - Basic Needs
  • Illegal Hunting - Enclosed Land of Another
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Oregon Court of Appeals 08-04-10

by: Abassos • August 3, 2010 • no comments

Read the full article for details about the following new cases:

  • Diagnosis of Sex Abuse - Reversible Error not to Hold a 104 Hearing
  • Pro Se Representation - Inappropriate Denial = Structural Error
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Oregon Supreme Court 07-29-10

by: Kbevins • July 28, 2010 • no comments

Read the full article for details about the following new cases:

  • 30% Good Time Hearings - Appeal
  • State Criminalist Reports Require Author Testimony
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Oregon Court of Appeals 07-28-10

by: Abassos • July 27, 2010 • no comments

Read the full article for details about the following new cases:

  • Accomplice Liability - Specific Intent Required
  • Merger - Assault
  • Departure Factors - Pending Charges
  • Vehicle Impound - Deterrence is not a Justification
  • Preservation - Extension of a Stop
  • Search and Seizure - Extension of a Stop
  • Juvenile Dependency - Drug Use
  • M11 - Juvenile Crime/Adult Trial
  • Stalking Order Hearing - No Right to a Jury Trial
  • Juvenile Dependency - RCWA
  • Merger - Appeal after Guilty Plea
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Oregon Court of Appeals 07-14-10

by: Abassos • July 13, 2010 • no comments

Read the full article for details about the following new cases:

  • Sentencing - Constitutional Proportionality
  • Sentencing - PPS Term Must Be Determinate
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Oregon Court of Appeals 07-07-10

by: Abassos • July 6, 2010 • no comments

Read the full article for details about the following new cases:

  • Civil Commitment - Danger to Others
  • Consent to Search - Housemate can't Override Objection to Search
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Oregon Supreme Court 07-01-10

by: Kbevins • June 30, 2010 • no comments

Read the full article for details about the following new cases:

  • Belated Miranda- validates post-warning statements only

Evidence derived from pre-Miranda interrogation must be excluded, even where a defendant consents to a physical search. Belated Miranda warnings are sufficient to validate subsequent statements if they accurately and effectively convey a defendant's right against self-incrimination. The efficacy of Miranda warnings is circumstance specific, and inherent coercion (i.e., being in police custody) will not invalidate a waiver.

Defendant was handcuffed and placed in the back of a police car, but not Mirandized, when he admitted that his backpack contained marijuana. The consent he gave to search the backpack was irrelevant, because the questioning that led the police to ask for consent was invalid. Therefore, the marijuana should have been suppressed. However, subsequent Miranda warnings were accurate and effective, and the defendant's statements from that point on were properly admitted. State v. Vondehn

Oregon Court of Appeals 06-30-10

by: Abassos • June 29, 2010 • no comments

Read the full article for details about the following new cases:

  • Felon in Possession - Knowledge that one is a Felon
  • Patdown - Scope
  • Miranda - Implied Consent Warning is not Interrogation
  • Merger - Identity Theft
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