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Today's Oregon Supreme Court News

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by: Ryan • June 5, 2015 • one comment

The Oregon Supreme Court granted review of the recent COA computer crime opinion I discussed here. Prime opportunity for Orin Kerr's Columbia Law Review article to be highly influential.

The Supreme's also granted review to the Simonov case, which means the appropriate mental state(s) for UUV could change sometime next year.

The Supremes denied review of State v. Antoine, still the most important sex abuse case you could read this year.

And most significant of all, the Supreme Court allowed review in St v J.C.N.-V, and the question presented is:

Whether ORS 419C.352 and ORS 419C.349, which permit the juvenile court to waive a youth under the age of 15 years into circuit court for prosecution as an adult if (among other things) the juvenile court finds that "[t]he youth at the time of the alleged offense was of sufficient sophistication and maturity to appreciate the nature and quality of the conduct involved,"

limit the court's discretion to waive youth into circuit court to only youth so developmentally impaired that they did not understand the physical nature of their act, or that they could be in trouble for committing it.