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Oregon Supreme Ct - April 24, 2014

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by: Abassos • April 24, 2014 • no comments

(Created page with "'''Dependency - DHS Has the Authority to Immunize Children Who are Wards of the Court''' Where the court has taken jurisdiction over a child and appointed DHS as the legal gu...")
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<summary hidden>
*Dependency - DHS Has the Authority to Immunize Children Who are Wards of the Court
'''Dependency - DHS Has the Authority to Immunize Children Who are Wards of the Court'''
'''Dependency - DHS Has the Authority to Immunize Children Who are Wards of the Court'''

Revision as of 17:04, April 26, 2014

Dependency - DHS Has the Authority to Immunize Children Who are Wards of the Court

Where the court has taken jurisdiction over a child and appointed DHS as the legal guardian, DHS has the authority to immunize the children. The grant of authority to a guardian under ORS 419B.376 includes but is not limited to authorizing "surgery for the ward" and making "other decisions concerning the ward of substantial legal significance." "The power to "make other decisions of substantial legal significance" includes the power to immunize the wards in its care against common childhood diseases." DHS v SM and RM