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Mental Everything at MPD Trainer

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This wikilog article is a draft, it was not published yet.

by: Aalvarez • February 2, 2011 • no comments

Starting today, you'll notice a lovely new section on the website: The "Mental…" page.

Why "Mental…" and not "Mental Health" or "Mental Disorders?" 2 reasons: First, two words took up a lot more space than one word and an ellipses. Second (and more importantly) we chose such a broad title because the page encompasses (or at least, should encompass…) much more than just Mental Health or Mental Disorders.

For the past few weeks, I have been working (under the supervision of Alex Bassos) to develop a section for MPD Trainer that could serve as a comprehensive guide to better understanding any mental health issues that might arise in a criminal case. The page will soon have sections that aid in spotting a mental health issue, tools to better understanding a diagnosis, and relevant sections on GEI and Competency Issues.

As of right now, the page contains working sections on common psychiatric medications, psychological evaluations and the DSM-IV. As you can see from the page however, more sections are soon to follow. Stay tuned and enjoy the new page!