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Lots of Tantalizing Stuff from the Oregon Supreme Court

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This wikilog article is a draft, it was not published yet.

by: Ryan • July 28, 2011 • no comments

Today, the OSC issued a press release describing the cases they've most recently granted review of. (Pedants beware: a preposition is not a bad thing to end a sentence with. Saying otherwise is the kind of nonsense up with which I will not put.) There's a lot there of interesting stuff, some good, some bad. If your DUII client doesn't speak English, there's something for you. If you're worried that the OSC will undermine St v. Hall, following the recent changes on the court, well, you should be. And then there's this question, for those of you who do M11 robberies:

(3) For a person to be found guilty of robbery in the second-degree based on the theory that he was aided by "another person actually present," must the aider simply be present, or must the aider's presence be for the purpose of assisting the principal to threaten or harm the victim?

And all that's just the tip of the iceberg. The entire press release can be read here.